Footage released by the New York Attorney General shows corrections officers at Marcy Correctional Facility brutally beating handcuffed inmate Robert Brooks on December 9.
Brooks, restrained throughout the 15-minute assault, died the next day, with preliminary autopsy findings citing asphyxia and actions of others as the cause of death.
14 staff members have been terminated or suspended. Some officers failed to properly activate body cameras, violating state policy.
Advocates highlight systemic abuse and racial discrimination in New York prisons, while the investigation continues.
Why haven’t all 14 been arrested on murder charges?
Well you know–they gotta investigate first. They have to get their stories straight, make sure everybody knows the script, determine a decent scapegoat to heap all the blame onto… then on game day they have to work together to ensure the fewest deal with any repercussions and then distance themselves from those people. Most of them will be fine, heck they might not even manage to make anyone accountable with proper fuckery. We’ll see! (years from now, long after the damage is done)
How cynical. But are prisoners people?
(Even if they’re Mexican, black, or didn’t have at least one citizen parent?)
A Christmas miracle!!
(Jk, it’s just a coincidence - it’s an all-year-round perk … works better when there is no evidence tho)/s
I am a former correctional officer of the texas department of justice and this exact same situation happened and I too stood by and listened as it happened. I helped escort the man from his cell to medical. I stood by listening to the other guard talk about how much of his ass he would be kicking. I stood there as they took him into a cameraless backroom and listened as they beat that man handcuffed. I stood to stop it, thoughts of pulling my pepper spray and going in there and just letting loose. A sergeant told me to sit back down and I did. I was not physically overpowered. I sat back down, and I listened. The only difference in this is that my victim didn’t die. I reported it afterwards. I reported it to the warden, to the state, to the media. Warden tried to reassign me back under the command of the person I accused in the most dangerous part of the prison. The state sent an investigator but nobody talked but me, not even my victim. I sent everything I had to local media and prison rights groups and heard NOTHING back. No one cared. It happened all the time, it was sanctioned, it happens in every prison in this country. The only difference is that this man died and the countless others did not.
I look at those 14 names and I cannot help but feel I deserve to be on it. I was never punished for my cowardice. I quit, I say ACAB, I tell my story but I was not and never will be punished for my inaction because no one cares about an inmate being beaten by a guard unless he fucking dies.
It happened to me decades ago. My PARENTS didn’t care.
“Well what did you say to make them so angry?”
I was still a teenager, and cops with guns and nightsticks had to beat me up while I was being processed and wearing handcuffs, all because I was “running my mouth”.
Mine didnt either. I walked out of that prison immediately after and called my dad, the person I trusted the most in the world just to have him tell me to go back inside. My heart shattered. In that moment I realized I was truly alone in this situation.
“You — against the atom, the charm and the spin. Where the whole world failed — matter failed to bend to human will; human will failed to get out of bed and tie its laces”
I’m sorry that happened to you. I wish I could be something more than sorry.
All we can do is try to make things better for the next generations. At least now people are listening. If it weren’t for everyone having access to recording devices, we’d never be able to even hope for change.
My mom had the exact same reaction when I was abused by the cops.
Basically saying I must have done something to deserve it.
ACAB idd.
But some people would rather believe that cops are always innocent than trusting what their children are saying. Fucks with my head so hard
I guess accepting the idea that people in a position of authority can and do abuse that authority with near impunity on a daily basis, to the point of straight up murdering people at random, is too horrifyingly unbearable for some.
“No, I can’t really be left at the whims of sadists and the criminally insane by society, it must be the individual’s fault.”
Yeah, that’s sort of it.
But then any pleading from the victim will only make it worse, as it will just stack more blame on them no matter what they say, since the person they’re explaining it to can not accept what they’re being told.
So… My father is a retired cop who used to abuse the shit out of me and my brother. Used to brag at the dinner table about arresting people for a crime he called “POPO” (that’s Pissing Off a Police Officer). He simultaneously won’t accept that these actions are abuses of his authority and power. He sees himself as a “good cop” among a majority of “good cops”. So he doesn’t even recognize his abuse as abusive.
So he doesn’t understand why I tell his autistic grandsons not to talk to cops. He doesn’t get that autistic people have processing delays and may not be able to understand an instruction, especially when it is being shouted at them in a high stress situation. Or that they may not be able to turn an instruction into the correct body movement. Or they may need clarification on the instruction, or like, just not be bossed around in the first place.
He completely flipped out, as a matter of fact, becoming verbally abusive toward me when I supported my decision with some uncomfortable citations (he had the same look on his face as he used to get when he would beat me, which caused some PTSD flare ups over the following months, but he did not strike, probably because he knew I’d have prosecuted his ass). He wound up on some insane rant about Jesus and God and love. Absolute delusional refusal of the notion that someone might not be a bootlicking sycophant for every cop in the universe by default, or that someone might feel uncomfortable around a person with outsized power and influence over them and a gang of others in the same position a radio call away.
You should look up the Just World fallacy. It’s a pattern of thinking where people innately believe that the world is just, because it helps them avoid the uncomfortable truth that bad things can happen to good people.
Once you understand it, you start to see it everywhere. For instance, it is the basis for modern conservative social policy. It’s what drives the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality, because conservatives want to believe that if someone is destitute it is a failing on their end. Because if you accept that good, hard working people can fall on hard times, then you also need to accept that it can happen to you. And that’s a very scary thought, so many people will outright reject it.
Your mom asking what you did to deserve it is just another example. She doesn’t want to believe that a bad thing happened to you for no reason. Because that means the world is unjust, and that’s a scary thought.
I can see how you would think that, reasonably, but you’re wrong.
About my mom at least.
You don’t want to believers someone can have an uncaring mother, because you want to live in a world where all moms love theirs children.
They don’t.
I’m not even 25% of my mom’s kids, technically.
Once you understand the general concept of amathia, you will see it everywhere as well.
You do not deserve to be on that list. You are a good person despite your former profession. The fact that you were able to realize how fucked up things were, to leave, to literally put your safety on the line to try to fix it, make you better than most men on this earth.
Thank you. ACAB (but not the ones that quit from the injustice 😉)
Edit- anyone know a guy who can get this guy on the news to talk about this case and how it’s endemic to the system?
Regardless of my feelings after the fact, I do belong on that list. I did not do anything in the moment it was required of me. Part of it is the guilt yes, but I think this feeling mainly stems from the wish that all people involved should face punishment. And if they should, then I should even if I was the only one who reported it, talked about it, didn’t commit perjury and continue their crimes against humanity for the sake of fucking health insurance.
Nevertheless I appreciate you. I expected the same vitriol currently being sent towards these people who did the same thing as me in the moment and all I have gotten is a thank you and “your a good person”. It’s producing emotions hard to process in the PTSD laden state that this news has sent me into but I appreciate the thought and I take it in kind.
As for speaking about it, I am willing to talk to anyone and everyone who’d listen. I just don’t think anyone with a platform is listening. I don’t think anyone cares. In a day or two another tragedy will occur and the only ones who will care will be those who wish to bury it and the one being buried. So it goes.
A close friend of mine had to quit the force after a few years. Luckily for him the only thing he dealt with was the guilt of having to put kids in jail for weed. He still feels guilty about it.
Admittedly once I found out he was a cop for a few years I didn’t trust him. But after hearing his stories and understanding that he had to leave because he wasn’t one of them. He actually went to college and had plans to be a detective but had to give up that entire life plan because he just couldn’t handle all the corruption and abuse.
Sucks that you have to continue to suffer because the system was broken. Hope you understand that you (and my buddy) were also victims on some level.
Reach out to your local FBI field office and tell them you have a potential civil rights case. Hopefully they will do their job.
I did. They didn’t. There’s no evidence, no cameras, no one would talk. Not my partner through training, not any of the doctors, none of the nurses, none of the sergeants or lieutenant, not even the inmate. It’s like it didn’t happen. That’s why people say ACAB. Because it is every single fucking one.
I sometimes wonder if it’s a symptom of an extremely individualistic society, would people be more willing if they grew with an ideal bigger than personal wellbeing?
Yep! Also, there aren’t enough people who understand that helping others will end up helping themselves.
That’s a shame. I’m sorry you have to live with that.
Because it is every single fucking one.
Yep. None of them are on the side of justice. They’re just on their side and if you question it you might be treated as a rat by the other police.
Pretty much the same happened to me except there was evidenced and it didn’t matter jack shit.
Forgive yourself. You quit. You told the story, possibly innumerable times. Thank you for that.
This will continue because of cowardice, unfortunately. Integrity is one of the only things that separates moral and ethical action. In the moment, groupthink/mob mentality/group mentality led to conformity which is exactly what happened, and is an extreme form of pressure. Regardless of the action/inaction in the moment, integrity was challenged and defeated. One of the only ways this will change is something that will probably not happen due to conformism within the system. You lived how hard it was… your integrity was challenged, and ultimately inaction was the choice that was made resulting in net zero integrity.
As everything in hindsight reveals the truth, the inaction feeds conformity. If it’s never challenged, then it evolves into a “norm.”
Yeah this is exactly why ACAB is wrong even though all the points are right. The good points deserve a name that isn’t stupid.
Wrong. Acab. All cops are bastards. As a person who participated in the system, I was bastardized for it. I was pressured as a “good man” to stand by and listen to a man be beaten. I was put back under the authority of the man I had accused of a crime that if convicted would lead to his life most likely ending in the same facility he “guarded”. I was buried by every single other person in that room who refused to talk.
I was bastardized. All cops are. You either quit or you embrace it. And even in quitting, you still carry the guilt that you could of stopped it. At least escalated it by starting a 2nd fight. But was I going to swing on a man wearing the same uniform as me? No. My cowardice was exploited and I was bastardized alongside them.
ACAB isn’t wrong. I stand by those words and their meaning. I spit in the direction of anyone who not only doesn’t understand but goes out of their way to defend “the good ones” there ain’t no good ones. The only one who’s “good” is the one who quits and that only happens after he failed himself first.
It’s okay. He wasn’t a CEO so all good. Not like inmates deserve human rights or anything. /s
Damn, did the inmate not realize they should have called the CEO crisis line?
(Fuck Hochul)
So what about the warden and his staff. It’s not like this culture isn’t being condoned or even encouraged at the top level. They are accessories to this and probably many other murders.
I am a former correctional officer of the texas department of justice and this exact same situation happened and I too stood by and listened as it happened. I helped escort the man from his cell to medical. I stood by listening to the other guard talk about how much of his ass he would be kicking. I stood there as they took him into a cameraless backroom and listened as they beat that man handcuffed. I stood to stop it, thoughts of pulling my pepper spray and going in there and just letting loose. A sergeant told me to sit back down and I did. I was not physically overpowered. I sat back down, and I listened. The only difference in this is that my victim didn’t die. I reported it afterwards. I reported it to the warden, to the state, to the media. Warden tried to reassign me back under the command of the person I accused in the most dangerous part of the prison. The state sent an investigator but nobody talked but me, not even my victim. I sent everything I had to local media and prison rights groups and heard NOTHING back. No one cared. It happened all the time, it was sanctioned, it happens in every prison in this country. The only difference is that this man died and the countless others did not.
I look at those 14 names and I cannot help but feel I deserve to be on it. I was never punished for my cowardice. I quit, I say ACAB, I tell my story but I was not and never will be punished for my inaction because no one cares about an inmate being beaten by a guard unless he fucking dies.
They fired and charged everyone involved and washed their hands of it. 13 guards and 1 nurse is the count I saw last. I totally agree that almost everyone working in that prison is probably as bad or worse than these people, it’s been widely known that the Marcy Prison is incredibly violent and abuses inmates, as well as having a strong history of racism among guards.
Direct link to the videos and names of everyone involved in this lynching:
Only in America.
Which today means the exact opposite of what it did 40 years ago here (Denmark).
These assholes deserve death penalty more than most that actually get it.I firmly believe that those who wear a badge to uphold the law must be held to the highest letter of the law.
e.g. if “petty theft” carries a sentence of “up to 7 days in jail and/or up to a $1000 fine”, then an officer charged with “petty theft” should always serve 7 days AND pay a $1000 fine. There should be no deliberation about leniency for those who wear a badge.
Wherein this turns heads and makes people say “well hey, that’s not right…” we identify corners of the written law that should be amended. Not for them; because of them.
So yeah, if death is on the books for murder, have at. All 14. We’ll talk about if it was fair when they’re gone.
I think treating sentencing as ‘black and white’ for officers is maybe the only way to deal with the problem of corrupt cops. Not even sure it’d work.
Absolutely, these people are paid to be professionals. So it’s even worse when they act like criminals instead.
The only difference between the ‘professionals’ and the criminals is the badge.
I disagree. You can have enhancements for hate crimes. There should be enhancements for abuses of power. Seven days, $1000, and more, whether that’s petty theft, blatant corruption, or straight murder.
“While in a position of authority” seems like a pretty good enhancement that could fit many situations appropriately.
Ideally, yes, but that would create other issues. If there is a hard line for it (like the death penalty for those 14) and no chance of a lighter sentence, juries may be disinclined to convict (and prosecutors to charge) on those charges knowing it is the only outcome.
Idk man I wasn’t physically beat but the Finnish police denied me my prescription medication while holding me for days while I was psychotic. They even turned off the water in the isolation cell they placed me in. Until I reminded them it’s actually a crime against humanity to not have water available to prisoners.
I drew more than 300 words in my own blood on the walls. I maybe have had several seizures, or none at all. I’m prone to them, but I couldn’t tell as I’m not there when they happen.
So no… not “only in America”. But because people think “only in America”, no-one believes me in what happened. I have photos of the cell. They tried charging me with vandalising the cell — with my own blood — but when I asked for the tape from the cell, they suddenly got “very uncomfortable, I’ve never heard them that anxious” freely translated from what my lawyer told me. The charge vanished and they said they’ve lost the tape.
No-one ever got so much as a reminder of trying to behave better. No-one, excluding my therapist (who’s not Finnish), actually believes me. Not even my own family. And I have the scars and photos and documents to prove what I’m saying.
I was literally tortured for three days. In Finland. By the authorities.
In a cell without even a mattress, very cool, light on constantly, never dark even during the night. No-one talked to me. I couldn’t get anyone to say a single thing. When I demanded to know my rights one said “we’ve already told them to you” as they were dragging me into the isolation cell.
“Only in America” indeed.
Maybe it wasn’t entirely fair to claim only in America, but it is very widespread in USA, and this case took it to the ultimate step where it became lethal.
no-one believes me in what happened.
I do, and unfortunately I’ve heard a very similar story here from Denmark, an emigrant who was held in detention (isolation) for 3 days, without seeing a judge, and then released.
I’m so sad these things happen, I don’t know why people don’t believe you, but I guess you have to have had close up experiences with life on the bottom of society.
You probably wouldn’t have been treated like that, if they thought you could afford to throw lawyers after them afterwards. It’s always the weak that get abused.
These people are in a position of tremendous power over other people, that power easily corrupts them to think they are entitled to abuse you if they don’t like you.
What you experienced is hopefully extreme, my friend at least got water, but he too was withheld from medication, and his condition got clearly worse after the experience.
So I absolutely believe you 100%.
These institution needs to be monitored, this kind of abuse is unacceptable.I was literally tortured for three days. In Finland. By the authorities.
You absolutely were, and my guess is that you are not alone, this is something they do to break you, to make you “behave” as they want you to. To make you “respect” their authority.
I don’t know you, but I know my friend, and I am pretty sure he is telling the truth, and your stories are extremely similar.
If “bottom of society” means peacefully growing weed in my own apartment without being involves with junkies or alkies or any of the other such people who live around here?
Finland treats anyone even remotely positive about cannabis as being a crack-addict who’s ready to sell their own grandma for a hit.
It’s not that they didn’t fear I can’t get a lawyer, it’s just that they knew no-one would care. My mom’s response to me explaining this was something that indirectly had the implication of “well maybe you deserved it.” She said “I can’t know what happened there”. After I said I can show the evidence and sent her the photos.
Nope. Can’t accept it. See the logic in Finland is “if he didn’t deserve it, he wouldn’t have gotten it”. Genuinely. It’s like stamped on everyone’s forehead when I talk about this.
The cop don’t fucking care man. We don’t have the sort of American spirit I’m jealous of, one of the rare good things. The outrageous about injustice, knowing cops are shit. Well they’re arguably worse than ours, but it’s different. Ours are authoritarian because no-one has kept them in check, at all. The local drug cops brazenly violate all sorts of laws.
The fuckers genuinely admitted at my door they don’t have a warrant. They work differently in Finland, but basically these cops at my door didn’t have the rank to decide on a home search warrant (verbal) whereas more senior ones do. They said “it’ll take us like 5 min to get one”, I said “please do” and they just grabbed my door and came in.
I started filming instantly and they grabbed my phone from me:
You absolutely were, and my guess is that you are not alone, this is something they do to break you, to make you “behave” as they want you to. To make you “respect” their authority
No guessing needed, they’re literally came in asking “are you ready to talk yet?” at one point.
And their treatment of me didn’t change what I had to say a single word. There was no justification for what they did, but they just lie and I have zero recourse.
Unfortunately I can’t read the article because there’s a paywall.
But already the headline is bad enough! How the fuck can they claim you aren’t allowed to film in your own home?
At least they lost the case.Seems like Finland is a lot worse than here.
Usually police is pretty relaxed, and I doubt many policemen would make a house search based on the small of cannabis alone.I have found that the flowers of the hob plant used for beer has much the same smell. Saying it’s just that, could at least give them plausible deniability.
Here’s the link to the Finnish Supreme Court decision for it which you can use translate on.
The ridiculous thing is their excuse about the smell. Nope. I had a purple led for some basil on my balcony, and a regular AC device. Which could be seen from the street. Those were basically their real reasons. Hell, a trained drug dog couldn’t have pinpointed the smell to my door in this building. There’s at least a grower, a seller and a buyer on each floor. Mine has two growers that I aware of. And the building isn’t that big.
How the fuck can they claim you aren’t allowed to film in your own home?
Because the concept of freedom of speech really isn’t understood that well by most. People speak English to a degree pretty well, but a lot are intellectually too lazy to actually learn things in English, so theirs cultural and societal understanding isn’t exactly up to international standards, and that’s just a polite way for me to phrase “the country has a majority of low-brow nationalist racists”.
Like casual racism is shockingly acceptable. I’ve been told off and had a row for speaking against racism for more times than I can remember anyone being even slightly offended about someone’s racism.
Like even the weed smoking hippies girls are casual racists, you know? Not to the point of like saying or acting differently in ant way, but in like an internalised stereotyping thing.
Usually police is pretty relaxed, and I doubt many policemen would make a house search based on the small of cannabis alone.
I’m honestly not exaggerating when I say Finns still treat weed users as worse than how people treat the lowest crack and meth addicts in the US.
I was genuinely not invited to weddings of my childhood friends — friends whom I had carried out of a party rolled into a mat like some massive kebab, with tequila vomit as the sauce — becsuse “he’s a drug addict”.
None of these friends have ever seen me even lose my balance becsuse of inebriation. Yet they discriminate. Because Finna are rulewhores.
Even at 5am in a completely empty city on a street where you can see 200m neither way, most people won’t jaywalk and even in their drunken aggressive stupor, wait for the light.
It’s like they just can’t accept the god of bureaucracy to have made a mistake. Ever. It’s the same thing with all the officers and doctors and whatnot.
Love the country, hate the people.
And it’s not like we don’t already have systems that are supposed to hold authorities accountable. But if no-one believes that authorities ever do anything wrong, then there’s very little point to those systems.
Where illegal to grow, you should at least use white LED if it’s visible, purple may save you 25% tops, but it’s not equally efficient for all plants, for some you save nothing.
White LED is often also more efficient, so although it makes poorly utilized green light, you never gain the theoretical 33%, and white is cheaper to buy.
I don’t think purple is very relevant anymore, unless you are a professional grower, with crops that are tested for it.
I’ve heard stories that the make helicopter flyovers here to spot grow lights, IDK if they are true or not. But 9it may be something they are “trained” to look for.
Regarding Finish mentality in general, I can’t comment on that, but clearly you’ve had some very bad experiences. I hope you don’t get offended, but you might want to seek help processing some of those experiences. It seems to be wearing you down a lot. I’m not saying it isn’t true, I’m just saying it sounds like you aren’t handling it well.I’ve been growing since ~06-07. So to put it kindly, don’t try to teach your father to fuck.
The purple was one of the earliest COB-leds, and it was on my balcony exactly because it would be of no use in my tents. It was marketed as a 200W LED but the actual draw was like 86W. Which isn’t unsurprising with the early LED’s but as this wasn’t from an online vendor but a trusted Finnish gardening store. I bought it in like 2010, when panel such came on the market some years later didn’t really exist.
I’m currently running the TS- and FC- series lamps from MarsHydro. Highly recommended.
2.8 µmol/J PPE and Max 2.5g yield/watt. Giving a high PPF of 840umol/S
My point is that Just because they saw a purple light, they thought they’d have the right to invade my privacy. They happened to be right, but not for the reasons they had.
I’m considering doing a bait at some point but it would mean taking a break from actually growing anything illegal, and I can’t afford that rn.
Technically I am a professional grower insofar that I make most of my money out of it and have been doing so for severally years.
I hope you don’t get offended, but you might want to seek help processing some of those experiences.
No I really am, because I explicitly mention my therapist.
So that does come off as kinda condescending from someone who didn’t manage to even read through the reply they’re so worried about.
Pls trust that I know my mental health better than you and the thing right now affecting it the most negatively is people aways commenting some highroading shit like that while making completely baseless assumptions.
It seems to be wearing you down a lot.
With similar quality reasoning I could use that sentence to infer you’ve personality disorder.
So let’s not, shall we?
I’m not saying it’s true, but you seem like the sort of ironically ignorant person who thinks their baseless assumptions are for some reason worth something or of interest to anyone. No offense. (You can’t take offense now because I said no offense.)
So sorry. How are you holding up?
Well I figured out the core issue behind it and am now pretty functional.
This happened several years ago.
I had no idea wild the effects of NCGS can be. Now I do.
Thanks tho
The phenomenon of psychosis due to non-celiac gluten sensitivity has been recently depicted in the literature with several case reports detailing neuro-psychiatric manifestations, such as schizophrenia, depression, and other mood disorders resolving after the removal of gluten from patients’ diets.
American prisons have been murdering people for decades, despite scandal after scandal, next to nothing has been done about it.
Yet they can move heaven and earth to go after murders of the rich.
So many Americans believe that the inmates deserve this treatment because they are inmates. There is no compassion for the incarcerated.
Are you a member of any minority?
Sorry that you get downvoted, people love to make things easy and thinking about stuff as only B/W is a big one.
There are rotten people in any society. But in the US police brutality is endemic. Where I live the police don’t usually carry guns and don’t have the mindset that everyone is a dangerous offender. When they interact with you they do so from a place of respect. When i was first visiting my country we were pulled over for speeding and although we got a ticket, conversation ensued, the kind between people from distant countries who are curious about others’ experiences. We pulled away with a dinner invite and are still friends to this day. When there is a police car behind me I have absolutely no stress and I know my plates are not being run. One of the biggest complaints in my country is that cops are too lenient. So while im sure there are other countries where ACAB, i think the acronym should be AACAB.
It’s the difference between an officer (a person charged with representing the state for the purposes of law enforcement) and a gendarme. One can add state security guards and state security soldiers to this.
In the USA the problem is with stuffing all these kinds of responsibility onto the same kind of people.
There should be an unarmed (maybe only with shockers and batons) kind of police, doing all the usual work, and gendarmes, carrying, sorry for the tautology, arms.
State security guards’ role in USA is taken by either national guard or USMC, apparently, but I’m not an American, so can be mistaken. Same with state security soldiers. No problem with these parts, I think.
They say that police also gets shot at easily, well, that’s to be expected, a weapon makes you not only a bigger threat, but also a bigger target. So police should be disarmed (except for pepper spray, shockers, batons, maybe pneumatic pistols shooting rubber bullets, you get the idea) and wear uniform clearly different from the new gendarmerie, which will be armed and will be used in cases where it’s required.
I have seen enough body cam videos from the USA to know that not ACAB. Some were nicer than I would have been when someone behaved like that. There are public, even on YouTube, if you want to take a look. Just know that some of them get shot while being this nice, because they were not ready to shot. Another problem that results from all of those guns.
The main reason all cops are considered bastards is that the nice cop has first hand experience of bad cops doing things blatantly illegal but doesn’t report them. The moment a scandal happens, they all close ranks and protect each other.
If I see a coworker doing something wildly inappropriate, I report him because I’m not a bastard.
700k coppers in the states, the nicer ones have all protected bastards?
“Policing Enables Bastards” gets away from Sith-like absolutist language that has to be argued
I don’t get it, does it imply that there’s no way to tell a difference, or is there some other meaning?
It means there is no difference between a cop who murders and a cop who stands by and just watches the murder happen.
Link to all the body cams released by the NY State Attorney General
The New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association issued a statement reading, “What we witnessed is incomprehensible to say the least and is certainly not reflective of the great work that the vast majority of our membership conducts every day… This incident has the potential to make our correctional facilities even more violent, hostile, and unpredictable than ever before.”
You can take that and shove it up your ass. Fuck every one of these murderers.
It’s incomprehensible and not reflective of our values, despite how it keeps happening across the nation. The only true response is thoughts and prayers.
It sounds just like the United States conservative’s standard response to mass shootings: we haven’t tried anything and we’re all out of ideas!
I wish they’d actually send tots and pears after school shootings. At least the poor children that survived would reliably get fed at lunch.
The fucking USA has lost the plot.
I am a former correctional officer of the texas department of justice and this exact same situation happened and I too stood by and listened as it happened. I helped escort the man from his cell to medical. I stood by listening to the other guard talk about how much of his ass he would be kicking. I stood there as they took him into a cameraless backroom and listened as they beat that man handcuffed. I stood to stop it, thoughts of pulling my pepper spray and going in there and just letting loose. A sergeant told me to sit back down and I did. I was not physically overpowered. I sat back down, and I listened. The only difference in this is that my victim didn’t die. I reported it afterwards. I reported it to the warden, to the state, to the media. Warden tried to reassign me back under the command of the person I accused in the most dangerous part of the prison. The state sent an investigator but nobody talked but me, not even my victim. I sent everything I had to local media and prison rights groups and heard NOTHING back. No one cared. It happened all the time, it was sanctioned, it happens in every prison in this country. The only difference is that this man died and the countless others did not.
I look at those 14 names and I cannot help but feel I deserve to be on it. I was never punished for my cowardice. I quit, I say ACAB, I tell my story but I was not and never will be punished for my inaction because no one cares about an inmate being beaten by a guard unless he fucking dies.
Thank you for your honesty. It’s a rare commodity these days.
I don’t want to be thanked. What really gets to me was that I never was and never will be punished. No one will ever hold me accountable for it.
And punishing myself is just self harm insanity. So I would never do it. But I hate that I walked away and those more guilty than me walked away too.
I want punishment on me because it means they too would be punished
But instead my own freedom and lack of punishment is a permanent reminder that no justice happened in that situation
The US is such a backward ass country. The amount of backward ass things that happen on a regular basis in all parts of this society is just too long to list.
There’s no monetary reason to oversee prisons and LEOs that work there. The goverment is paying a business, or funding a workplace, and any violations will just cost the goverment more money. Creating consequences for police will just cost the goverment more money. There’s every reason to ignore this behavior and no reason to create controls and enforce regulations. There was a huge news story about juvenile prisons in TX where child prisoners were being raped a lot, and often. The general reaction to this news in TX was ‘‘they are prisoners, they did the crime’’ adults raping children is OK, as long as it’s punishment and torture for felons who are also children. Just typing this out makes it all feel like some post apocalyptic fever dream…
Get a rifle and train. Your chance may come soon.
I am a former correctional officer of the texas department of justice and this exact same situation happened and I too stood by and listened as it happened. I helped escort the man from his cell to medical. I stood by listening to the other guard talk about how much of his ass he would be kicking. I stood there as they took him into a cameraless backroom and listened as they beat that man handcuffed. I stood to stop it, thoughts of pulling my pepper spray and going in there and just letting loose. A sergeant told me to sit back down and I did. I was not physically overpowered. I sat back down, and I listened. The only difference in this is that my victim didn’t die. I reported it afterwards. I reported it to the warden, to the state, to the media. Warden tried to reassign me back under the command of the person I accused in the most dangerous part of the prison. The state sent an investigator but nobody talked but me, not even my victim. I sent everything I had to local media and prison rights groups and heard NOTHING back. No one cared. It happened all the time, it was sanctioned, it happens in every prison in this country. The only difference is that this man died and the countless others did not.
I look at those 14 names and I cannot help but feel I deserve to be on it. I was never punished for my cowardice. I quit, I say ACAB, I tell my story but I was not and never will be punished for my inaction because no one cares about an inmate being beaten by a guard unless he fucking dies.
We are advertisers extraordinaire.
Well, you would think that we would at least try to a fix or alleviate the insanities. But no, we just talk about it for a few days while acting all shocked and then continue down the same road because no one can agree on a fix. In-freakin-sane system.
This is horrifying. I don’t get why this isn’t plastered everywhere. It’s worse than George Floyd.
“But he was no angel,” will be the line…
We’ve given up.
I’m not ready to watch the video. Why do you say it’s worse?
“Suspended” and “terminated” is a funny way of saying sentenced for murder.