Originally posted over on /r/piracy (https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/15itrip/1337x_admins_allowing_bg3_torrent_with_bitcoin/)
It looks like a bitcoin miner was included in the installer, and the admins on 1337x may or may not give a shit apparently. Scanned my pc and my wifes and found the same stuff the others mentioned.
According to the other comments, don’t feel the need to uninstall as the miner was installed separate to the game, just give a Malwarebytes scan to get rid of the junk.
Heads up, that joke actually makes no sense.
File extensions for executable binaries is very much a windows thing. For Linux/Unix it would either be
(a script file) or justLinux
Works on my system.
So would
if you did achmod +x
deleted by creator
It doesn’t matter, inux does not rely on extensions, so you can name a Linux executable .exe .bin or anything. When I was learning ocaml that’s what our teacher was naming his executables.
but plz don’t do it it’s cursed and I hate it, thank you