• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Nobody is saying transphobia specifically needs to be called out*.

    It is more just actually calling out discrimination. I ANAL (and am not a lawyer) but general catch alls like “No discrimination based on the grounds of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, age, or religion”. Transphobia comes under a mix of gender and sexuality.

    But also: When you are dealing with a TOS, you get a lawyer involved (which is another clear issue with this but…) rather than going by what some dude on the internet vaguely recalls of some documentation they read a few months back.

    *: Although, there is an argument that hatred toward the trans community has reached the point that it is worth a call out

  • “I’m not insulting you specifically. I am just saying that I think all jewish people are secretly space aliens who eat children” and so forth. It is not bullying because it is not specifically targeting a user. There is no violation of privacy and they held short of talking about what they want to do to that ethnic group. And “harassment” is incredibly nebulous

    In a good faith interaction: Common sense prevails and that is flagged under the spirit of the rule (even if I am not sure if I agree that IS against the spirit of it). But you specify stuff like this to remove any ambiguity. Largely for the same reasons you have a TOS/COC to begin with. Wheaton’s Rule was “sufficient” for small message boards back before any of us really cared about bigotry. But even that was largely replaced with real rules the moment the user count broke the hundred mark.

    But also? The world is a really shitty place where the best you can generally hope for is that social media is only kind of racist and hateful (oh reddit) rather than being run by literal white supremacists. Text about discrimination goes a long way toward saying “Hey, we are at least trying”.

    So is the thinking that a catch all 5.0.1 sufficient? Or will there be restoration of specific rules against discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, sexuality, etc.

  • While I generally agree (and that applies to almost all “an LLM can’t do that” discussions):

    Head counts are not going to remain the same. Well, it might in writing, but there is a reason the WGA went on strike.

    If you can apply effective filters/transforms to a base texture, you can now do the same work that would have taken you weeks in a day or two. If you aren’t “wasting time” writing unit tests or making utility functions, you no longer need junior developers to punt the Charlie Work to. And so forth.

    In some fields? Being able to do more with less means you do a LOT more.

    But, generally speaking, that means you need fewer people and you pay fewer people.

    This is one of many many reasons that we need to have been exploring UBI decades ago. Because we are increasingly going to see a decrease in employment as technology is more and more able to “get the job done”. And unlike with farm work and factory work… there isn’t really anything on the horizon for all the “creative” workers to do.

  • I know this is mostly posturing at this point but:

    “AI” has been in big budget games for decades. Hell, the big deal with Oblivion was that they had magic technology to procedurally place trees according to various heuristics. And I think that also added a resource management system to NPCs so that we could DB Apple them?

    Same with coding and art and sound and so forth.

    • All that cool magic wand and fancy ass filter shit in photoshop? Those are increasingly “AI” tools that will analyze the image and extrapolate what should or should not be “behind” something and so forth.
    • Coding? if you AREN’T using a tool to generate stubs and even tests at this point then you are wasting your own time.
    • Audio? Again, the same “AI” filters already exist. Same with tools to detect pauses or to split up dialogue and so forth.

    The reality is just using it effectively. Oblivion was boring as hell because the entire overworld was empty and lifeless. Same with BOTW. Whereas Ubi, for all their actual gameplay flaws, are spectacular at adding POIs and “events” in strategic locations so that you find something while you are hiking across a forest to get to an objective.

    Same with art and even CGI. You aren’t going to get a good outcome if you ask dall-e to make your art for you. But you are going to get good results if you start with a solid base and then procedurally add rust or spatter to it. You aren’t going to get a good result if you have your actors on a studio lit stage talking to nothing (Hi Prequel Trilogy). You are if you add lighting relative to the scene (The Volume) and use placeholders they can act off of.

    And… same with writing. Ask ChatGPT to write your screenplay? It is going to be bad. Use the proper prompts to get the “voice” of a character right or to generate some background dialogue that you won’t even correctly hear because the mics are focused on Meg Ryan faking an orgasm? Suddenly you have a better “product” than everyone else who just tells extras to wing it or putty around. Same with having a Black Scottish Chick sound like she isn’t written by some white dude.

  • The answer is pretty obvious, but I have seen a lot of folk on lemmy (and elsewhere) who think this is a good solution. Might be worth coming down on it:

    Copy full text of article into an LLM and ask it to rewrite that article “to be more understandable”. There is the bot that automatically does that for every article (and mostly just increases the misinformation and what not…), but I have seen more than a few people suggest doing that for the text portion of a post.

  • A few years back, CBS sold CNET (CNET, Gamespot, GameFAQs, Giant Bomb, and probably one or two others) to Red Ventures who then sold basically everything but CNET proper to Fandom. If people aren’t aware of what Fandom is, just go to basically any video game wiki and see how many pop ups you need to close just to see some misinformation.

    Anywho, Fandom have a decent record of killing every property they buy in the interest of monetization. And they can do that because they buy EVERYTHING. And as of a few days ago, one of the long standing admins at GameFAQs announced they were stepping down. Which… suggests Fandom realized they own GameFAQs and are likely about to start gutting it to add as many ads and autoplay twitch pages as possible.

  • This predates the pandemic.

    I have been on both sides of things. I have had to deal with the literally hundreds of applicants that are completely fake CVs or so underqualified that I would be better off grabbing a random kid at a high school job fair.

    And the reality is that if I have had to sift through hundreds of bullshit CVs, I am not going to be giving anyone “a chance”. Unless you specifically meet every single requirement AND look amazing on paper, you are in the bin because I already wasted hours of my life doing due diligence on the assholes.

    I hate everything about workaday. I hate that it incorrectly parses my CV in new and exciting ways every time AND means I need a new account for every company, if not every opening. But I also understand what happens if you ACTUALLY make it as simple as filling out a template once.

    And while the article is complete bullshit (gotta love the mysterious loophole of OPT as though it is some secret…), I do agree with the outcome. If you are a “skilled” worker going into a comparatively niche field, favor the openings that aren’t using workaday. My best interviews have been from using the automated linkedin application system that basically just sends an email. Hell, that is where my current job is from. But that is also because these were jobs in specific subsets of fields and not entry level positions or openings at Google.

  • Neither? Wildlands has some REALLY shitty depictions of South America and Breakpoint is that modern day ubi-Clancy of “Are they ironically spewing right wing propaganda or?”. And Ubi in general is a company with rampant employee abuse of a sexual nature.

    That said: Wildlands is the much better game. Breakpoint “feels” better, but it is clear it was designed to be a co-op live game from the start with most of the missions not designed for AI. Whereas Wildlands was very much set up to just have three problematic bearded dudes lean out of a jeep and unload on anything you drive past.

  • Information to people who don’t know how to parse it is dangerous and ever increasingly dangerous.

    But… it is also clear that people are going to spew lies regardless. Again, “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams”.

    And, as it stands? I very much prefer that I know a few people and orgs I trust to analyze available data. And they also document that analysis. Which is a lot better than hoping CNN paid someone competent to write a piece for Anderson Cooper to read out on air.

    Like, reddit doxxing multiple victims over the years comes up every time. And… that is a definite concern. But that also gets into knowing how to vet your sources. Because I don’t care what some rando on a message board says about “that sounded like a JDAM to me” or “hamas doesn’t have explosives that big”. I care about what people who used to be CIA analysts and have a solid track record AND who understand what information you don’t publish online have to say.

  • I obviously don’t have a deep insight into FDev’s finances. But they have pretty openly said that Elite is a foundation of the company.

    And yet, they have done everything they can to kill that. Cutting back on social media spending to more or less make every single Influencer say the game is dying. Turn updates into a trickle of “You know that thing that was added two years ago? They finally added enemy NPCs around it”. And even actively screw over the people who were dumb enough to buy the ten year pass by not even providing steam keys for the pre-ordered expansion (currently on two of ten or so?) to let people take advantage of Valve’s CDN.

    It is genuinely baffling. Other devs are, if anything, focusing too much on keeping the bread and butter live game “live”. Whereas FDev seem to have decided that they can do whatever to E:D and the money will keep flowing… which might be true but…

    Also, should be obvious but: Lapsed E:D fan who bought the lifetime pass like an idiot.

    Just to elaborate on the community streams more. Most live games have their community managers (sometimes devs) do a weekly or monthly stream where they play the game, talk about what is coming, interact with the playerbase, etc. They are almost all puff pieces, but whatever. FDev reduced the frequency of those (I forget if by half or straight to quarterly) which was IMMEDIATELY fuel for “Frontier is sunsetting Elite”. And it isn’t like they fired the community managers. They just… do less streams.

  • Honestly? This is actually a “smart” move… given the current husk that twitter is.

    The Man Who Used An Emerald Mine To Finance His Hairplugs has made it pretty clear that the goal is to make twitter an Everything site and that people should trust them as an online bank. And the users have made it clear that you can have a frontpage that is nothing but animal abuse, misinformation, and musk posts (kind of redundant but…) and people will still stick around because a celebrity posted a meme.

    So get people to pay “less than nothing” to get their payment info into the system to pre-seed future efforts and “offerings”. More or less the same with every instagram account becoming a threads account.

    I don’t think this will make more money than the ad revenue back when twitter was a functional site (and that was already not enough) but… companies don’t want to pump ad money into a site that will post their brand next to a neo-nazi talking about how the latest school shooting was a false flag operation.

  • Blaming Hamas makes sense if all you know is “We don’t think we did this and the org we are at war with are blaming us”. And I am not certain, but I want to say most of what you listed after that was less an Israeli Government statement and more The Internet (we even have shades of “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” in “hamas can’t make an explosion that big”)

    But also? We are about 24 hours out from this. All news is breaking news. The Internet, much like The 24 Hour News Cycle, have made it incredibly easy to see every update as they exist (and, because of misinformation campaigns,non-stop FUD). But it is important to take a breath and wait for things to settle. Keep yourself informed, but avoid leaping to conclusions until there is time for third parties to vet information. And understand that, even now, we are still missing a lot of info.

    And also learn how to vet your sources. because we are responding to a post that has decided the obvious answer to evidence indicating it was (probably) not the IDF is “Well, it was obviously a false flag by the IDF”. Which… gets back to crisis actor and “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” territory.

  • “rule of law” is literally the status quo. You are saying it boils down to how much you value the right to protest and seek change versus the protection of those in power.

    Also: Politicians are controlled by “special interest groups”. Such as oil executives who are well known to use lobbyists and bribes to continue destroying the world. Protests like this are about getting others to become and stay aware of that in the hopes of either pressuring politicians to do their fucking jobs or to get concessions from oil companies to “save face”.

    If you keep all protests in a designated location so that you aren’t inconvenienced: you accomplish nothing. Well, other than protecting the people killing the planet.

    You are not enlightened. You are actively siding with the oil execs and praising the boys in blue for stopping people from complaining. Decide if you are okay with that or not.