Developmental informatics hacker

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Why does this feel like you’ve just given me some free heroin to try?

    And unity doesn’t need integration. It automatically integrates itself into anything. It’ll just put a popup window right in the middle of the screen that you can’t get rid of without killing it. It’ll tell you something too private that you didn’t really want to know. Eventually, while coding, it will just bring itself entirely to the front. Alt tab won’t work.

  • Well, yesterday a cashier decided it was a good idea to tell me, a hippie looking transwoman, that she’s not racist, but what is Turkey doing in European football? And yeah she immediately crossed that threshold and went on my asshole list.

    Of course I can come up with a gazillion excuses for why she said that. She doesn’t know our own history. She doesn’t know geography. She’s just trying to fit in to her social group. I can go on and on. But still, what she is saying is damaging on a purely racist basis. She is old enough to realize that.

    However, I wouldn’t use the word hate. I know what you mean, and that’s what I am responding to rn, but I don’t genuinely want to hate anyone. Hate is more corrosive to the vessel than that which it is poured upon.

  • I know someone who earns 10s of thousands of euros a month. His girlfriend, who has lived with him for many years, had to sell her bicycle to be able to afford something she really needed. He hasn’t ever given me the impression that he’s happy. Some people just are that way and our society enables their behavior.

  • The battery life is actually one of the downsides of accessing a lot of memory. A typical way to solve this is to do a depth draw first and then another one that actually samples textures. Textures and even meshes use a lot of bandwidth. But that won’t work for all devices because many use their own special ways to solve this by using a screen grid with buckets and depth sorting the tris.

    A unique issue for vr is that you have to render for two eyes and at a high frequency. A typical mobile game might target 30 fps instead of the typical 60 when running on battery. On the contrary, if a vr game would run at 60 fps you’d get nauseated pretty easily. A low end device will run at 100, and in an overly simplified sense that means you’re actually doing 200 fps because of the two eyes. Further, you have to consider the tracking cameras. I am not knowledgeable about those but it’s safe to assume they need to send a lot of data around.

  • One time I nearly cut a job due to being asked to make something gambling related, but when I worked on an addictive mobile game I simply didn’t realize what I was doing. Honestly, I couldn’t have known unless I had asked about their monetization strategy before they brought new people on to implement it. And at that point the game was as good as done. I remember walking through Barcelona and seeing all these kids on their phones in the park and not playing or having fun, it felt surreal. I bawled my eyes out and didn’t return to the job. You know I genuinely just wanted to give people some fun in this world.

    The issue with mobile games is that nobody is prepared to pay even 5 euros for a game. So for mobile game developers it is business as usual to do it this way.