This old shit was involved in breaking the USA for years and now has the sads about it. Give me a break.
If he’s REALLY concerned about the state of the USA, he should surrender all his crimes and spend the rest of his days in jail.
This old shit was involved in breaking the USA for years and now has the sads about it. Give me a break.
If he’s REALLY concerned about the state of the USA, he should surrender all his crimes and spend the rest of his days in jail.
It should say
“Moscow Mitch, who dedicated his spineliness chinless life to pumping dark money into America politics and selling out his constituents, the constitution, and our freedoms just realized people may not like that”.
I think he is realizing that he doesn’t like it. Pretty sure he doesn’t care about people.
This. SO HARD.
McConnell got his first election win in Kentucky by making promises to union leaders that he promptly turned around and broke as soon as he was in office. He has never cared about anyone or anything except consolidating power under the Republican party. He got exactly what he always wanted but now he’s not happy with who’s at the reigns. Well, guess what, Mitch? That’s the problem with consolidating too much power. You can’t control who wields it.
Hindsight is 20/20. We progressives need to see right now where our best–and worse – impulses lead and make the decision to choose our best. That means seeking redirection and rehabilitation, rather than retribution. If segregation from the greater community is part of that, fine, but with an honest effort at rehabilitation. If we truly believe that’s not possible for certain individuals, they should still be segregated humanely.
McConnell is all talk, that’s the problem. He’s still enabling this administration with his votes.
And he’s not the majority leader anymore, so he has much less power than he used to. It’s all very convenient timing for him to make his legacy look better, while doing nothing material to change policy.
As I said elsewhere, practicable solutions seem to be somewhere between mercy and severity. That doesn’t mean Mitch has no responsibility to restitution. It means if we refuse to offer those who go down the wrong path, regardless of how long, a way back to the relative nirvana of reintegration with society, we leave them no viable options but to keep chasing their own individual hell or our collective hell.
Mitch is brilliant at negotiating policy. We could and very well should seek him to negotiating policies for the good of the greater whole. If he declines, response can be appropriately measured in graduating degrees of severity - but always with an eye toward rehabilitation and reintegration.
Tl;Dr better to bring s stay back to the flock than left the stray to the temptations of the wolves, to our demise along with their own.
Or how about “Scientists Discover Turtle with Brain the Size of Goldfish”