maybe he studies fascism in the way at CERN they study particles: once they found experimental evidence that one exists, they start looking for the next. Now given the abundant evidence that the US fascist exists and multiple collisions have been observed with everyone’s balls, he’s started searching for the more elusive Canadian Fascist
Why flee when you can study it live.
Exactly, Jane Goodall didn’t run from the apes, she joined their ranks to study them.
This guy should be closer.
/s if it wasn’t clear
maybe he studies fascism in the way at CERN they study particles: once they found experimental evidence that one exists, they start looking for the next. Now given the abundant evidence that the US fascist exists and multiple collisions have been observed with everyone’s balls, he’s started searching for the more elusive Canadian Fascist
They’re unfortunately not nearly elusive enough.
Only one way to settle the debate: let’s build that Large Fascist Collider