I love how search engines display inaccessible links.
I read this as “we don’t want you, the user, to interact with our 100% user-content driven website that depends on your presence to keep having value”.
Dogshit website anyway.
At some point, the mistake was using Reddit to begin with.
It was the only search result relevant to my query.
Does anyone else remember back in the early days of the internet when experts used to say, “The internet routes around problems”.
I miss those early days.
To @[email protected] , I see that a lot with searches now too but I just keep searching or find some other way around the problem. There’s no way I click in to Reddit any more. You do you, but I’m saying there’s always another option.
Honestly the internet will route around the loss of reddit just like it did with the loss of forums and other crowdsourced platforms that have died off over time. Yeah, we will lose a treasure trove of knowledge, but a lot of it was also outdated and the same questions will be asked again so the knowledge can be rebuilt.
forums are still there btw
Some forums are still around, but a large number of them and their content have disappeared.
The Internet is in fact not forever.
Beast’s lair is still strong and active today!!
Reddit is definitely not the final evolution of the internet board. It goes without saying that we can do better. And when a better iteration comes along nobody will even need to ask the Reddit users to switch as theyll naturally migrate like we always have. And then eventually that thing will be decrowned for something better too
I only hear people talking about Reddit on Lemmy to be honest
It was the only search result relevant to my query.
Paste it into archive.org’s Wayback Machine. Good odds that they’ve stored a copy. I’d do it for you and just link to the page, but you don’t list the URL…
IME the wayback machine might give you the post body. I tend to need the comments as well, and archive.today can save all that properly. It usually isn’t saved already, so you’ll have to wait a minute or two. I just use this time to look for other sources.
I know about that. I do that sometimes. It just isn’t practical every time.
Yeah, the site is great but it’s a bit slow and clunky when I need it most.
That’s the problem isn’t it? We used to have forums where people discus things and blogs where people share what they’ve learned, now it is all Reddit and discord and absolute trash in between.
We still have forums and blogs. Search engines just don’t both including them in search results.
You need to know about these niche communities, which are increasingly in micro-spaces like Discord or Mastodon channels or unmonitored communities like Lemmy.
Which is more in line with Bad Old Web 1.0 than Good Old Web 1.5
Discord is like gated communities on the internet. Not open to the public and not something that is publically indexed.
It isn’t even comparable to mastadon or lemmy when it comes to being a source of information.
They’re there, but harder to find. And some are closing. I’ve had two or three in the last couple years that closed, in the reasonably popular world of cars.
idk lately ive had more help outside it on random forums, just dont add reddit to your search, like reddit advice used to be s tier now its c tier, when you compare results from advice you get off other forums, a lot of shills, everywhere, like the webhosting related subreddits
This is not a Reddit problem. A lot of websites throw a fucking hissy fit if you have a VPN turned on, and I’m also over it.
There’s a good reason for that, VPNs are extensively used by bot networks for all kinds of activity. But VPN use by bots is actually coming down slowly as bot networks start to switch to residential mobile networks - it’s impossible to block them and you can cycle connections automatically like you do with VPN when using specialised residential mobile IP providers. So maybe web sites will stop blocking VPNs in a few years.
The fedora tells you everything.
I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
I can’t believe how often I have to say this.
There are a few communities on Reddit that aren’t represented on here. So I still go to Reddit some.
There might be very niche communities but Lemmy has grown so much in the last year. I would encourage you to search for whatever community you are looking for. You might not find the exact equivalent but you might find a good match.
For example, there may be a /r/3dprinteddildos on reddit but that won’t exist here. But I am sure that the 3D community here can point you in the right direction.
Keep in mind how subreddit often got created: when the general community doesn’t provide enough content for your niche, the niche community is developed.
/r/gonewild is a great example of this. It went from amateur porn to a cestpool of only fans content. Other subreddits were created to continue the way.
It’s the same thing here: find a community that’s close and post.
Lemmy is nowhere near the wealth of information available on Reddit. And if we’re talking about hobbies, then literally no one gives a shit about Lemmy. The whole of the Fediverse has only 50k daily active users, most of them are on Mastodon. Lemmy is just a tiny fraction of those 50k. The main 3D printing sub alone has more active users than the whole Lemmy.
That leads to a situation where knowledgeable people from the industry and hobby leaders don’t post anything here. I’m not even sure many of them even heard of it.
So, if you want some help or to learn something, you either go to specialised forums or to Reddit. Lemmy is for memes and throwing feces at each other. Which is fun.
There is nothing coming close to /r/steroids on Lemmy. The reason that subreddit is so great is that the moderators there are very quick at deleting noob questions that are answered in the wiki, and will quickly call out anyone giving dangerous advice.
Even on reddit the competing subreddits like /r/PEDs and /r/testosterone are absolute garbage that probably got dozens of people killed from a heart attack or stroke at this point
I’ve stopped casually browsing Reddit but sometimes it’s the only way to get somewhat decent search results
I’m trying to convince people to check out Lemmy but it’s hard. People are so stuck in their ways. I’ll keep trying though
People are still on X even after their owner gave a Nazi salute on national television.
It blows my mind everyday
I’m weaning myself off it. Sadly there’s some communities that I’m active in on Reddit that either don’t exist on a federated platform or are so tiny that they’re functionally dead. Hopefully we can grow those communities though - if we want to preserve the internet and our democracies into the future, the cancer that is big tech needs viable alternatives.
The sad part is I still have a lot of random subs I enjoy, fringe stuff like r/OnionLovers and r/slowcooking, r/frugal… and subs like r/frugal immediately delete any comment that brings up politics in any way, so there are a few decent subs left with non-batshit insane mods but they are becoming extremely rare.
It’s an addiction, it’s hard to break.
It is… i have lots of shows i watch with communities im an engaged with… and thats not really here yet… but bluesky has helped me get off reddit more… i actually like the platform and lemmy
It is. What helped me was deleting my account and removing my patched boost app. Now I only browse it through mobile Firefox with ublock.
It’s annoying as shit to use, so I don’t use it often. But when I do they get nothing from me. Win-win.
Lemmy is not grown yet,so yeah i’m forced to use reddit.
that’s on you for preventing the billion dollar company from tracking your every move ;)
It’s hilarious that you made me curious enough to look up RDDT’s stock price today, down 9% today alone lol, -31% in the last 30 days. A third of their stock value lost in the past month, very impressive.
I wish there was a way to filter all sites that block me like this, at least my search would actually show results I can read
Sometimes part of the content can be seen in the search result page, as the crawler got the content. But when you click inside, you’re blocked by the membership wall. Irony?
When google started to index paywalled things… I thought that was pretty evil. Showing google content but not normal internet users. Giving sites the ability to have their cake and eat it too.
When reddit decided to force logging in to see some subreddits on mobile, I decided they were evil.
This is why I’m on Lemmy posting content, we have to use open platforms if we want them to succeed. This is the first time I’ve used social media. I’m doing it as a civic duty
When google started to index paywalled things…
Google has (had?) a rule. If a site lets them index their paywalled content, then the site must deliver the full content if the referrer is google.com or else they will de-index the site. So when clicking a link on google, the full article should appear. It was an old trick to just google the article title to find a link and click through to read a paywalled article.
Is that policy gone now?
as far as i can tell that policy never existed. The first instance of this was for academic articles being indexed behind a paywall, and they NEVER worked with the referrer being google.
It kind of existed when Google included a link to every site’s cached content, but they removed that years ago.
It’s been that long?
That’s depressing for a few reasons
I am surprised I didn’t even notice that, I used to use it for when sites changed or were down. I guess there’s always internet archive sites if I were so inclined, but still sad.
I consider this more of a feature than a bug.
Me too. I wrote a blog post about it with a similar title and would love some feedback. I’m sure it could be expanded even more to include stuff like this.
Nice blog you have there. I appreciate the content and will be passing it around a bit.
Appreciate that. Got a backlog of 200+ topics I still need to write about, so little by little.
I wouldn’t expand it any further, as it already covers most of the important stuff. Far more people have to deal with Google’s bs than use R*ddit.
Fair enough. Sometimes it can make a difference though (speaking someone’s specific platform language). But yeah, I get it.
How’s the search engine supposed to know you’re blocked from Reddit?
Good point, Reddit is the real problem.
It did not used to be this way. Every website result used to be “cached”, but not anymore…
Enshittification 😔
Well, fine with me. Closing one tab is no big deal, let the website die
I always get that screen when I forget to turn off my VPN while accessing a reddit quote.
You should get a better VPN. Mine only gives me this rarely, often when I’m using a node that I can assume is where a bunch of prime would use to run bots.
I like Mullvad. Probably the only reason I get the error is there’s one country that’s a fav, but some sites don’t like it because of its privacy restrictions … which ofc is why it’s my fav.
file a ticket.
You have been permanatley banned from Reddit. if you feel this was a mistake, please use the appeal process
Yeah, I questioned the second and third temp bans they gave me. After the last (so, the third) they banned me. I suspect it’s because I was asking.
Their reasons of course were bullshit, for every single ban (which they confirmed were correctly issued… Morons).