Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • "In some roles, there are some individuals who are best known as ‘dumbfucks’, like (teachers name) and (teachers mother) for not swallowing (teachers name). We can also call these individuals by the proper scientific term, ‘unfortunately alive’. In this totally-hypothetical situation, how long would it take (teachers name) to realize the ever-reducing brake pressure of their pedal, and inevitably, that their brake lines have been cut? Assuming their typical trip home, at what speed would they be traveling when they came to this realization? Lastly, what would be the most likely end result of these series of events, taking into account the afternoon rush hour traffic at [question part two] speeds, in their poor-condition 1991 Toyota Tercel?

    Bonus credit (10 points): Keeping in mind that (teachers name) is a horrible person, estimate how many individuals might attend their funeral, and how many would be present just to confirm the body?"

    Send that shit right back, with a warning.

  • You once were a child, making poor decisions. Are you still that way? (waves at the rest of the crowd to hold their comments) No? Would you look at that then, it’s like people are capable of growing and learning.

    So, you fuck that bullshit narrative here and now, past and future actions don’t mean shit. People change for better or worse, and you don’t sit on your ass and point fingers because past or promises, but by current actions, things occurring here and now.

    And right the fuck now there’s only one realistic option for the LGBT+ community in the states, so I don’t particularly give a damn what the fuck happened decades ago. If you’re still stuck in the past, might want to reflect on that. The rest of us have bigger shit to worry about.

  • or you can’t compete

    Nah nah fuck that noise. ‘Jack of all trades but ace of none’ or however the saying goes, is a shitty way to go about things. I don’t have the biggest dick but I know my way around around the block, and I know I’m good at it. More specialized > the catch-all bitches.

    Let the fucks with their special engine requirements eat shit. Standardize or write a fucking proper program (miss me with that “app” bullshit) or fuck right off. “everyone is special… exactly like you” now fuck off web dev. Your shit doesn’t get a permit.

    I may have some… disputes with the way the web is done nowadays.