Mr. Satans Methpipe sir, with all due devil respect, but you have no idea what I’m doing with these points in the metaverse, where they mean a lot. But thanks for the devilish concern.
Looks like I forgot the /s but yeah, there’s some really shitty stuff on the metaverse but I believe it’s got a future once some things are sorted out. Like the Fediverse.
Hey fuck you man. Alright? Let us have our shitty things without the guilt. /s
Edit: added “/s” at 15 downvotes. Let’s see if we can turn these numbers around. /s
Just a heads up: internet points don’t matter at all. They have no bearing on real actual life. You can relax.
Then how the fuck else am I supposed to feel superior?
Mr. Satans Methpipe sir, with all due devil respect, but you have no idea what I’m doing with these points in the metaverse, where they mean a lot. But thanks for the devilish concern.
Lol carry on I guess.
At least you know it’s shitty…
Looks like I forgot the /s but yeah, there’s some really shitty stuff on the metaverse but I believe it’s got a future once some things are sorted out. Like the Fediverse.
The mediverse is a thing now? Like people log onto it? I thought it was just a failed concept.
No shame in liking what you like. Roblox is a metaverse and lots of people play on that.
You didn’t self censor your obvious humor??? You’re on social media! 🤨
The rules on the Fediverse are different I thought? No?