A study by researchers at the Brown University School of Public Health found that avoidable mortality rose across all U.S. states from 2009 to 2021, while it declined in most other high-income countries.
Definitely a symptom of the 1% hoarding all the wealth… there’s a version of that “trickle down” theory Republicans seem to love so much. If you can barely afford groceries or housing - how do you expect people to be able to afford basic medical care and other things that keep people from teetering off the edge?
Workers are paid like shit and burnt out - so lots of people do bare minimum at work to get by. I don’t blame them. A society attempting to function like that ends up with holes all over the place that make everything worse and decimate any kind of safety nets for lower and middle class families. Corporations and government put up all their red tape bullshit that seems to be done solely to exhaust people and make them want to give up.
And one of the most stupid things of them all - you now have dumb fuck Republicans openly shouting from the hilltops that vaccines are evil and to not trust doctors…
Definitely a symptom of the 1% hoarding all the wealth… there’s a version of that “trickle down” theory Republicans seem to love so much. If you can barely afford groceries or housing - how do you expect people to be able to afford basic medical care and other things that keep people from teetering off the edge?
Workers are paid like shit and burnt out - so lots of people do bare minimum at work to get by. I don’t blame them. A society attempting to function like that ends up with holes all over the place that make everything worse and decimate any kind of safety nets for lower and middle class families. Corporations and government put up all their red tape bullshit that seems to be done solely to exhaust people and make them want to give up.
And one of the most stupid things of them all - you now have dumb fuck Republicans openly shouting from the hilltops that vaccines are evil and to not trust doctors…