Id like to see a sort of Inglorious Basterds meets Quantum Leap meets Munich where a team go back in time and foil Dunblaine (UK)… Sandy Hook… Uvalde… Not even terrorist / shootings per se… I’d like to see a team rush in and save kids at Aberfan with seconds to spare. Crushes my heart every time…
Edit: bonus variation: a Munich style hit squad go multiverse to multiverse foiling 9/11 in as many parallel worlds as possible (or similar)
Id like to see a sort of Inglorious Basterds meets Quantum Leap meets Munich where a team go back in time and foil Dunblaine (UK)… Sandy Hook… Uvalde… Not even terrorist / shootings per se… I’d like to see a team rush in and save kids at Aberfan with seconds to spare. Crushes my heart every time…
Edit: bonus variation: a Munich style hit squad go multiverse to multiverse foiling 9/11 in as many parallel worlds as possible (or similar)