As far as that web server is concerned displaying that abstract in your browser is the same as downloading a pdf. Your browser just downloaded that web page.
Regardless, while posh universities might produce right leaning graduates, the academics that staff them are predominantly left leaning.
Here’s the main points from the executive summary anyway…
Build and maintain a large-scale, multiracial, cross-class, pro-democracy united
front that continues to push for structural/institutional reforms and contest for power,
even after authoritarianism has appeared to consolidate. The coalition should use ongoing
local, county, state, and national elections as flashpoints by which to build a resilient and
expansive pro-democracy movement, document election malfeasance, and promote anti-
authoritarian platforms, reforms, and talking points for campaigns to take up at all levels
of government.
Protect, hold, and build local and community power through alternative institutions
to address urgent communal problems, protect minority rights and lives, reinforce an
oppositional pro-democratic culture, develop leadership, and build capacity for collective
mobilization when needed.
Build pressure to induce defections among those loyal to the autocrat or authoritarian
alliance, including through widespread economic noncooperation and labor action.
Prevent, deter, and strengthen resilience to increased threats of state or
paramilitary violence through strategic planning and organized and disciplined actions,
including building a capacity to anticipate, induce, and exploit defections; broaden
inclusive participation
Settle down mate.
As far as that web server is concerned displaying that abstract in your browser is the same as downloading a pdf. Your browser just downloaded that web page.
Regardless, while posh universities might produce right leaning graduates, the academics that staff them are predominantly left leaning.
Here’s the main points from the executive summary anyway…
Emphasis is from the original document