My estradiol alarm. Starting the day has never felt so good.
Don’t forget that whatever method you adopt repetition and time are the most help. Like exercise or quitting smoking, eventually your body will get the message that now it’s time to go to sleep, and now it’s time to wake up. But it takes practice to make a habit. I heard once a habit takes on average 36 consecutive attempts, so expect at least a month or more before you don’t feel like you’re trying anymore and it just happens on it’s own.
I’ve redefined what early means. My work starts at 2pm so waking up at midday is early and it feels slightly better
Biphasic sleep. One 5 1⁄2-6 hour block over night, one 90 minute siesta before work.
I know what biphasic sleep is. But I’m not clear on when you are doing it. Do you get up at like 4 am? For how long?
Or maybe I just need to know when work starts for you?
6:30am-12pm I am awake
12pm-1:30pm I am asleep (siesta)
1:30pm-12:30am/1:00am I am awake
12:30am/1:00am-6:30am I am asleepI work from 2:30pm-10:30pm
get 10-12 hours of sleep before, works like a charm, I get tired around 3pm and go to sleep at 7-8. wake up at 4-6 and have no free time. but I manage to get to school on time, and all I have to do is sacrifice my entire personal life.
I wake up between 4-5AM every single day of the week, and all year long. I don’t even need an alarm clock. I can go to sleep at anytime
- No screen before bed. No computer, no phone, no tablet, no TV (we don’t own a TV, so we don’t have much choice here ;). What do I do instead? I read a book, journal, write, chat with my spouse or friends, play chess or board games,… I do various stuff just not on a screen. Not even using a Kindle.
- No coffee in the evening. No alcohol at all (evening as well as in the day: I was an alcoholic many, many years ago). No soda either. Either I’ll drink water or herbal tea.
- Light & healthy diner. I don’t stuff my stomach, don’t eat garbage pre-packaged industrial ‘food’ either (this alone was a huge change for me, the day I quit eating that absolute turd a few years ago and my health has jumped through the roof, pre-packaged food is just poison in a fancy packaging and a lot of marketing, I would not be surprise if it was to become the tobacco of the XXI health-wise).
- No snacking, no candy, chips, or whatever.
- At least one long walk during the day. Every day.
My wife has to eat a snack with her medicine she takes before bed or she gets nauseas. I have struggled to find an alternative to goldfish because I agree, it’s garbage. Any thoughts?
My wife has to eat a snack with her medicine she takes before bed or she gets nauseas. I have struggled to find an alternative to goldfish because I agree, it’s garbage. Any thoughts?
What is a goldfish (beside a fish, I mean)? If you mean an alternative to snack, has she tried fresh fruits (an apple, pear, a few grapes,…) or maybe things like nuts? The idea being to no eat heavily processed food at all and not too much of anything. If she is not into fresh fruits (that would be sad), at worst I would suggest a slice of fresh bread (here again not the industrial hyper-processed kind of bread, real bread) with something, maybe a little jam?
Yes, bread might not be a bad idea. Or an English muffin or something. Fruit is high on glucose and doesn’t sit well right before bed. Longer digestive carbs seem to help more. I was thinking maybe rice cakes too.