JFK to LAX, any % of passengers.
If it was any% of plane, there are some creative launching strategies we could explore.
Boeing has entered the chat
Sometimes I like to speedrun deliveries in American Truck Simulator. Turn off fatigue (roleplay my driver as addicted to energy drinks and cocaine and pees in bottles) and drive at 105 mph (168.981 km/hr) halfway across the country.
Get there 3 days early, because faster deliveries means more Value® to the shareholders.
Stretch goal: Arrive before takeoff.
Concorde has entered the chat.
Alright everyone its parachutes today, ive got a bet going.
<Pilots start looking for glitches>
Hmm, after reading my contract carefully, there’s nothing in there that explicitly says I actually have to wait for the passengers and baggage to be loaded before taking off…
Just type in the 7500 cheatcode and you can take shortcuts through military airspace.
Boeing is doing the low% speedrun where you try to get to your destination with the least aircraft parts.
Ooooh, so that’s why I saw a plane doing janky backwards jumps before being flung off into the sky.
Hey guys desinc here, today I’m gonna show you some tricks and glitches in real life
Southwest Airlines pays their pilots a bonus for every minute they block in early.
Guess who has a reputation for bugging ATC for shortcuts and taxiing really fast.
Aha, I knew it! Flight attendants get paid per ‘flight’ hour and the pilots get bonuses to reduce the amount of time the attendants are paid for. That’s fucked up
Ladies and gentelmen this is your pilot speaking, I’ve gone ahead and put the seat belt lights back on because Marlons a fucking showoff and thinks he so great. Buckle up and hold tight.
Last time I tried instant engine shutdown + nosedive + full throttle turn on when taking off, my plane crashed and slid at mach1 on the runway. I don’t recommend that strategy.
Hope it goes better for you next time.