context also heavily welcome.
I saw a post about how some female model apparently knew a lot of programming languages (I think it was around 60?) and left a comment about how I’d wager they only knew how to make the computer say “hello world” in most of them.
What I was intending was more that if much anyone told me they knew a ton of different programming languages (regardless of their jobs or side hustles) then that’s what I would expect. Don’t blame the downvoters for reading that as misogynistic and demeaning to models, but that’s not what I was intending. Just that much anyone claiming they can program in that many languages reads to me like they’re really inflating their numbers to brag.
Though in retrospect I can see how a magazine (or another similar group) may want to pull that number out of her in an interview (so she wouldn’t necessarily be bragging about it) and may not care about exactly how accurate or misleading the number could be compared to what they actually said.
My response to “capitalism is terrorism” was “Go move to Cuba then”.
I don’t know if this exists in different cultures, but in Czechia we often respond to stupid things with something equally or more stupid to show we don’t take it seriously.
It has 88 down votes.
Mine was saying that 15 is old enough to be aware of what’s going on in the world regarding some UK teen that gave up UK citizenship to move to some place in the Middle East and wasn’t allowed to come back. Or something along those lines.
It got -20.
Mine was: “I will make it my life’s purpose to pay for a business class fight on a smartwatch, no scratch that, a smart ring, i will report back with further progress.”
This was in relation to a post about how anything important or meaningful should be done on a large monitor and not a phone or otherwise.
It got 3 downvotes
When I said that weed isn’t harmless. I didn’t say it should be criminal. I just don’t like people pretending it has no downsides.
I’m a daily, many times per day, user of cannabis to manage anxiety and RA pain and I agree 100%
Cannabis has been by far the cheapest solution for my pain (it being recreationally legal in my state makes it cheaper than the traditional western medicine route). Cannabis has also been the source of much of my ails, often slashing my motivation or affording me a boredom enhancer just good enough to keep me from my hobbies. Cannabis is rough on the throat and lungs, and it’s smoke (due to the nature of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons) likely contains a large number of carcinogens and possible mutagens. Cannabis not having potential for addiction does not free it from having habit forming potential, especially in populations prone to substance abuse (such as neurodivergent folks), and as such it should be treated like, and respected as any other kind altering substance.
The legality of a product does not inform it’s health risk nor benefits, and a product being “better” than another product does not inform it’s being “good”
My worst one was expressing doubt about all information we get regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict because it is definitely being used as a wedge to divide Americans and make us easier to manipulate. Context: the IDF found Super Evil Battle Plans on dead Hamas soldiers, instructing them to kill civilians. Because they need to be reminded that that’s their mission I guess.
My second worst one was saying that we shouldn’t euthanize every pit bull. Context: a pit bull attacked someone, and everyone in the thread thought the right move was to euthanize the whole breed.
My third worst one was saying that the Fahrenheit temperature scale is more useful for average people than Celsius. Context: shitpost about fahrenheit being a bad temperature scale
For the first one, yeah there’s a lot of missinformation going around and a very heavily politicized debate. On the one had Israel response is disproportionate and inhumane, on the other hand if you go back further enough they were attacked first (the day after being formed, so no chance of that attack being retaliation for something). At the end of the day I think both sides are at fault and supporting either is morally wrong, and claiming that you need to support one of them is a false dichotomy.
I’ve had similar arguments, people who hate pitbulls for some reason fail to see the stupidity in their argument. Last time I had this discussion the person was using an argument that would also be applicable to eliminating blacks in the USA, i.e. statistically pitbulls are disproportionately dangerous (low population vs high number of incidents). And refused to acknowledge that correlation does not imply causation, so the only possible explanation for that disparity was pitbulls are dangerous, not that assholes who mistreat their dogs and use them to fight prefer pitbulls (despite me showing studies concluding that race is not a good predictor for violence).
On this one I have to disagree, you think it’s more useful because it’s what you’re used to. For me that have never used it it’s a weird scale that has no bearing on anything. I’ve heard the argument of human comfort, but I’m comfortable from 59 to 77, and my wife prefers 73 to 86. I consider it cold below 50 and hot above 86. I have only gotten to 0 once in my life, but got temperatures above 100 every summer. If it was indeed a scale for human comfort 0 would be what most people consider comfortable, i.e. 21C or 70F, or the temperature where you can start to freeze to death (which I’m not sure but I think it’s around 5C or 41F), not an arbitrary low temperature that most of the world never gets to.
Probably when I debated with some kids that thought capitalism is the root cause of loneliness. My point was that loneliness was a condition of being alive- not a result of a system of government. Besides… There’s loneliness in communist countries too. Safe to say capitalism cased that? Shit… Even animals get lonely. I’m pretty sure animals don’t really have a concept of the inner workings of capitalism. And even if there is an anecdotal instance or two- it’s still a dumb thing to hang on capitalism.
There’s enough real shit you can pin on capitalism to argue its ineffectiveness. But loneliness?
Loneliness appeared the moment humans stopped living in tribes
Yep. And according to a lot of people on lemmy, that’s around when capitalism must have started.
I was third in a chain of "Nice"s. I think about my crimes every day.
I once made fun of someone on hexbear for denying genocide. A few days later, all of my recent comments had exactly the same number of downvotes, somewhere in the ballpark of 20, all across different communities. Whichever one of those comments received the least upvotes is my personal winner.
As an added bonus, this was after hexbear disabled downvotes, so they had to either pay for bots or run bots on an instance other than hexbear to pull that off.
Edit: Looks like a tankie read this and decided the appropriate response was to go to my profile and comment unhinged replies on all my recent comments. Thanks mods for cleaning them up so quickly.
Probably when I expressed support for Harris. As a “lib” I support transphobia and genocide, you see.
The left and infighting - name a more iconic duo (IMPOSSIBLE EDITION)
No, the democrats will embrace transphobia the next election cycle so as to unsuccessfully court the right and alienate the left (a strategy which netted them a solid 1 out of the past three elections, which is 1 more than Jill Stein). This cycle they went after undocumented immigrants.
I said switch owners have never played real games on a greentext that is no longer available because it was hosted on kbin
I got hated on 196 for my hated for furries. At least until the freaks banned me lol
… why do you hate Them so much
"We have no problem with trans people existing.
We just have problems with people making mockeries of trans people. No, your gender is not a dragon, and creating anthropomorphic animal characters is not a disorder, sexuality, or gender identity, even if you dress up as them or get off to porn of them.
You’re why trans and disability rights are always going to be at a standstill. Whenever some stupid thing happens, like cat litter and dog beds in schools to accommodate furries, it’s blamed on disabled and LGBT people, especially trans and nonbinary people, for existing.
You’re why actual children being childish get abused into literally taking their lives, because you broadcast that role-playing as an animal or creating whimsical wacky characters are symptoms of autism instead of a child being a child. They end up in an ABA school that grooms them into believing constant reactive abuse is normal. They’re never allowed anywhere outside of home, the short bus, and the school, because “if they acted like a dragon at a playground, they might actually believe they’re a dragon and they need help”. Then they end up mentally and physically ruined to the point of needing to live in a group home where they’re further abused until they die of stress, a drug overdose by the staff to make them “convenient”, or by their own hand. Because they liked dragons and pokemon a lot as a literal child.
You’re part of the extremely vocal yet incredibly small minority of trans and disabled people that those in power, in charge of those communities’ rights, look at and make decisions based on. You’re why they get dehumanized and divided from society. You’re why everyone else assumes everyone in these communities can’t make rational decisions, and makes arbitrary - and usually unfair - decisions for them. You’re why trans, nonbinary, and disabled voices are spoken over and ignored. You’re why trans, nonbinary, and disabled people are treated like jokes.
We have a problem with the progress of our fight for transgender and disability rights being reversed because some internet users want clicks, clout, and imaginary points that will mean literally nothing in the next five years."
Guess the user and the instance, and who actually got downvoted and banned.
What do you think aba is?
The shit I’ve endured for 10 years that destroyed every aspect of who I was as a child. The reason I hate just about everything aside from work and video games. I used to like just about all the entertainment media aimed at my age but that was exclusively caused by that stupid puzzle piece and not because I was a human being who liked stuff. And then that same stupid ass puzzle piece that made me like too many things too much is why I only enjoy work and games. Right, that stupid puzzle piece was why I wasn’t supposed to be able to work at all, but that same stupid ass puzzle piece is why I was So Smart and knew how to get a job.
Actual human beings go through silly phases and emotions when they’re teenagers, but I only did because of that stupid puzzle piece. Wanting bodily autonomy and privacy was a symptom of that stupid puzzle piece. Wanting to fucking shower was a symptom of that stupid puzzle piece, but so was smelling bad. ABA dumbed me down into dead weight alongside several other children. Imagine loving transformers and action movies as a teenager, must be a stupid disorder because no one actually likes those movies at all.
That shit destroys lives before they’re given a chance to start. Literally mentally murdering the child and keeping a corpse alive.
Oh, right, I’m actually wrong because you lived a real life on the right side of society where everyone treated you like an actual real human being for your whole life, went to real school for real humans where you were actually encouraged to grow and learn, graduated a real high school where you were treated like an actual human being alongside all the other actual human beings and most likely have fun high school memories and pictures you actually consented to be in, then took a trendy test online and call yourself autistic for internet clout and “envy” people who were labeled with that shit as children and had their whole lives forcefully taken from them. Right.
I’m sorry you had such a bad experience. ABA is just a science though, and it’s the way it’s applied that can be good or bad.
ABA should not be used to tell someone to not to like the transformers as a teenager. There are clear ethical guidelines about this. But supervision can fail, unfortunately. You could report your practitioners I suppose. But is that what actually happened? Why did they restrict you from transformer movies?
I have seen unethical practitioners that work with parents who say “this is age inappropriate, my teenager shouldn’t be watching Sesame Street anymore” and try to discourage it. But this is rare these days and the field discourages practitioners from doing this. However, depending on how old you are and where you live and just because shitty people exist this could very well be the case
But I’ll be real with you: I have seen people who are critical of ABA say things like what you said and it turns out they were not given access to their favorite movies because it was made contingent reinforcement. This is how ABA works, it is operant conditioning. But what these people are leaving out is that they were having major functional impairments that required some kind of enticement and there weren’t many things that motivated them to expend effort. They would only shower or brush their teeth once a week or less, they would not do homework ever to the point of failing classes, they would exhibit violent behavior that was dangerous to themselves or others, serious communication deficits, etc.
the way we would encourage the behaviors we needed to see more of and discourage the problematic behaviors was through reinforcement based systems. Of course, reinforcement can always feel like punishment when one fails because a true reinforcement system requires one to withhold reinforcement when necessary so the learner can conflate reinforcement with punishment pretty easily
And I would suggest maybe talking to someone about this, you’ve got a real chip on your shoulder about this. I merely asked you a sentence it and you went into a paragraph long diatribe assuming a great deal about my history. You don’t know me or my experience. You’ve clearly got some trauma, maybe it’s time to deal with that?
It was a post about how Google had been asked to take down links to websites selling black market hormonal transition drugs and I suggested that no one should be buy them from shady sources like that in the first place as those compounds are important enough to not just buy whatever you can find as a personal attempt to fix body dysphoria.
People just wanted to be upset.Though I have also been recently banned from upliftingnews for not being uplifted enough about basic stuff and had a mod tell me I don’t belong in their communities so I’m surprised anyone agrees with me ever apparently.
to be fair, the point of the community probably is to uplift people so if youre doing the opposite…
Haha I know I know. It just wasn’t very uplifting either.
A question about if the voting age should be lowered.
I said that it should be higher instead because teens are stupid. I was back then, and I was considered one of the smart kids in school.
I agree, here in Germany they made some kind of voting available for 16 yr old, everyone was like “yeah this is good” I disagreed and got bashed on. (PS: I’m also a teen, and can’t vote yet, I agree it should be higher.)