My bets are that it will be non-stop rage and fear … there’s going to be constant headlines of some new thing to be angry about or to fear … then when it quiets down, Drump will say something stupid and get the rage ball rolling again. No one’s ever going to have time to relax.
My bets are that it will be non-stop rage and fear … there’s going to be constant headlines of some new thing to be angry about or to fear … then when it quiets down, Drump will say something stupid and get the rage ball rolling again. No one’s ever going to have time to relax.
You and I get to watch with horror from a distance and see it slowly creeping toward us. That alone is going to make it impossible to relax.
15 hours left in America for me as of now. Good thing he doesn’t seem to be wanting to stop planes from leaving yet.
Good luck and godspeed.