Gotta break out the ol’ rain bibbs, jacket, galoshes, and gloves to get up on a ladder and clean them out. Because I am worried about the foundation getting more damaged by the water runoff not being directed at least a few feet away from the house.
What’s with the getup? All you need is a ladder and your Speedo. Hop to it!
Be careful. Have someone with you. My buddy recently broke both of his arms trying to get down off his roof and the ladder toppled. He was alone and had no one to call for help with bones sticking out.
Well he’ll always have his mom
Every time.
Yeah, I got tired of doing this so installed gutter guards. They make it harder to clean the gutters, but now that task only needs to be done every five or ten years.
sounds like you might need to increase your downspout size or add more downspouts.