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Joined 13 days ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024

  • Israel is a strategic location for the US to maintain military power in both the Middle East and northern Europe.

    The US has access to nuclear capable weapons in Israel and that keeps Moscow in check.

    current leadership in Israel is well known to be sympathetic to Russian influence and is likely tempted by the goal to eradicate all Muslims, something Moscow is likely to allow.

    Should Israel defect to Putin’s regime, the US would lose military influence and superiority in the area and it would likely set the US back decades.

    for Iran to attack Israel, they are forcing the US to make a choice. Publicly commit to be in cooperation with the administration that continuously commits crimes against humanity, or to step away from supporting the admin and thus step away from a strategic point.

    Without the support of the US or Russia Israel will fall, it’s only a matter of time. at that point Iran is in the best position to take over and they will do so through Iraq and Jordan.

    it’s in Russian best interests to support both Iran and Israel to fight so the US continues to focus assets on stabilizing Israel instead of Ukraine. To them, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses. As long as both Israel and Iran play Moscow’s game, Russia wins.

    Furthermore, Russia can use the turmoil and brutal imagery from Israeli forces and sow the seeds of propaganda online of, “look what Joe Biden is doing! Do you want more of this?”

    Russia wants a Trump presidency because they get everything they want. They get US out of Israel, out of Ukraine, and would have a singular position in Germany, which is weak when it stands without Israel.

    It’s pathetic how afraid Moscow is of Harris, especially when they talk a big talk about how big their nuclear dicks are.

  • I worked with someone who worked in intelligence for 30-ish years. from discussions they and I had you’re absolutely spot on. in-fact they warned me that once things in Israel begin to heat up prepare for a war to accelerate with Russia.

    this new development isn’t surprising and I’m sure there are already gears in motion to reduce impacts on the election.

    it’s funny because it’s clearly the Iranian government’s goal to influence the American election because it’s all they’ve been doing for the past six months.

    this can only mean one thing, the axis of power that is attempting to drag the west into a war does not want Harris in office. this only makes me vote for her even more.

  • you used literally incorrectly. I kept my books from college. they sit on my shelves with all the books I’ve collected. why? because peer reviewed reference material is becoming increasingly more difficult to find on the Internet. it may be out of date in some cases, but it does give you a path to find exactly what you’re looking for.

    so what if you get rid of your textbooks? that’s the whole point. what happens to your textbook after you have discarded it?

    someone else picks it up.

    I can hear the whine now, “what if I throw it in the trash?” maybe don’t? maybe donate the book to your local library and they can give it to someone who needs it. maybe leave it on a bench on campus with a “free” post-it stuck on it? but even if you throw it in the trash, your garbage goes overseas where someone else might pick it up. the potential reuse of a physical book and the impact to our world is far greater than any environmental impacts. it’s not toxic waste, it’s a fucking book.

    your argument that you’re “saving the environment” is just preposterous. it has the same energy as the fools who think using paper straws over plastic is making any dent in environmental impacts. news flash, it makes negligible difference in plastic pollution while the oil and plastic companies continue to do more harm to the environment than any subset of humanity ever has based entirely on their manufacturing processes alone.

    the only true crime are the publishers that print books without bindings. but those really can’t be called books then, can they? don’t like it? stage a protest, since you seem so passionate about saving the environment.

  • I don’t think you grasped the danger in a subscription based publishing model.

    you don’t get to read the book unless you pay the monthly fee. you stop paying, you stop reading.

    you don’t lend the book, you don’t borrow the book, you don’t copy the book…because there is no book.

    so how do the disenfranchised or poor gain access to knowledge outside their means? today, there are libraries. what happens if all those physical books are replaced with digital? worse yet, what happens when publishers con libraries with digital media? (you can’t fool the librarians, but any dumbass politician will eat a shit pie for optics).

    point is, there is permanence in physical media that makes ownership crystal clear. our society is not ready for a digital era, and if we prematurely enter it without appropriate laws and guidance in place, we will only be encouraging a plutocracy to form, one of which we can already clearly see forming today.

  • I would ask if you’re fine with books becoming subscription based commodities.

    I would hope your answer is no.

    We both know you don’t read past the headlines though, so your opinion on this matter is as limited as your understanding of the topic.

    I agree, creators should be paid, but libraries should be a protected branch of society. one day when capitalism forces a subscription pattern to books and locks knowledge behind paywalls, those libraries will be the only salvation for the disenfranchised masses.