As a Chinese person, I’ve noticed these incidents becoming more frequent in recent years. Despite gun control, there have been more knife attacks and vehicle rammings. Many innocent lives have been lost and families shattered, which is deeply distressing and frightening. I often remind my family and friends to be cautious when going out.

Discussing these topics is often restricted or prohibited within China. I’m curious to understand why people who want to ‘take revenge on society’ harm strangers who are defenseless and unknown to them. Logically, this behavior is hard to comprehend. There’s an old Chinese saying that roughly translates to ‘revenge should be directed at the source of the grievance.’ If someone has been wronged and feels desperate, shouldn’t they confront those who harmed them directly? By attacking random strangers, only innocent people suffer while those responsible remain unaffected.

I’m deeply saddened by this situation and am seeking insights. This is my first post on Lemmy, and I hope people can explain this issue or recommend books or videos that address the reasons behind such behaviors. Thank you very much.

      6 days ago

      It’s cute that you think your thought was deeper than that.

      Oh honey. Not deeper, in fact my comment was very plain. Instead you’re showing you lack basic reading comprehension skills preventing you from parsing a conversation and I was trying to spare your feelings. It doesn’t sound like you’re interested in having your feelings spared.

      Here it is because it looks like you can’t follow a basic conversation:

      The OP asks: Why do these individuals target innocent people? [instead of the specific person that did them wrong]?

      I communicated the idea: “If you live in a collectivist society there isn’t ‘one person’, but instead society itself that decides what you get and what you don’t. So if there isn’t one person the attacker can blame, then any person in society becomes someone the attacker can blame, so the attacker attacks otherwise innocent people because they represent society to the attacker”