… The Lebanese group said in a statement on Sunday that it fired more than 320 Katyusha rockets at 11 Israeli military bases and barracks, including the Meron base and four sites in the occupied Golan Heights.
it said it targeted military bases to “facilitate the passage of drones” towards their desired targets deep inside Israel. “And the drones have passed as planned". …

  • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Brother, if I roll up to your house. Beat the shit out of you, lock you in the basement and then say “okay. Now that your in the basement we should stop fighting” are you going to be cool with that?

    It’s not peace when you run apartheid on palastinians in your country and constantly colonize and push out palastinians not in your country.

    I want you to think about a similar situation. United states and Native Americans. Do you think America was in the right to go into native villages and burn and slaughter them because some of the natives would terror attack American colonists? Do you sympathize with the natives who went and terrorized American colonists who were stealing their land?

    It’s pretty universally accepted at this point that America committed genocide against the native Americans and the Israeli treatment of palastinians is historically very similar in both motive, methods and excuses.

    You focus so hard on what the side with no power, no authority does when backed into a corner and ignore the slaughter that they have withstood for 80 fucking years.

    What is it to you that makes you so unwilling to have sympathy? Skin color? Language? Religion? Because you were born in a country that geo politically backs one side so that’s your team now?

    If I took this sitch, removed all the names you knew and just told the story of 2 groups of indistinct humans, I guarantee you wouldn’t be picking the side of isreal. No moral person could.

    What’s even more interesting is that unless your an Israeli trying to defend your states genocide to feel less bad about the blood you stand on, you ain’t even getting anything out of it. At least the genocidal colonists who push the frontier and steal palastinians homes get a home out of it. What do you get? You get to be the stain of a history book. The question high schoolers ask 200 years from now “why did anyone support Hitler killing all the Jewish folk isreal killing all the palastinians?” And the history teacher will have to answer “because no one is immune from propaganda”

    • oberstoffensichtlich@feddit.org
      7 months ago

      Are Native Americans blowing themselves up on buses in cities, fire rockets at cities, slaughter festival goers, and abduct children?

      Palestinians have lost the war over and over. At some point they have to accept that and take a peace deal. You can only make peace with your enemy.

      America committed genocide against the native Americans and the Israeli treatment of palastinians is historically very similar in both motive, methods and excuses

      They only have superficial similarities. For example: Just look up when Native Americans gained citizenship. Israel has 20% Arab citizens with full rights.

      why did anyone support Hitler killing all the Jewish folk isreal killing all the palastinians?

      That’s an antisemitic blood libel. There’s no killing of all the Palestinians going on. It’s just a war in a dense urban environment. If Israel wanted there would already be a million dead Gazans.

      Settlements in the West Bank should stop.

      • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Man, you should really look up how native attacks on settlers went if you think they were somehow tame in comparison. Interesting that, you never spent time to focus on the crimes and atrocities committed by the natives to the extent that you don’t even know how brutal it was. Interesting that. Thanks for proving my point on that front.

        “At some point they have to accept that” Why? That’s some might makes right moral philosophy right there. Just completely dropped a facade of morality and just went with “Israel has a monopoly on violence, thus palastinians deserve to lose”

        Equal rights my ass, https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/

        Funnily enough, this is also similar to the American and native American relationship. Legally natives became “citizens” in 1928 and thus had access to “equal rights” but didn’t actually fully get the right to vote till 1948, and that was only when they legally got it.

        All this to say, you know what’s better than giving natives rights to vote in the nation we stole from them? Giving it back. Oh it’d be hard and economically devastating? Should of thought about that before stealing the fucking land. Hell to pay and we still make the natives pay for it.

        Antisemitic blood libel lol. Now your just spitting insults. Israel don’t like being compared to Hitler and his crimes? Maybe don’t repeat them. Never Again meant Never again. Ever. To anyone. Notice how I’m not saying “the Jews” in relation to the state of Israel? Because Israel isn’t a monolith of jewdom. It ain’t the culture, it ain’t the religion, it ain’t the race. It doesn’t own that identity no matter how much they want to cover themselves in it. It’s a state, one which has made these same crimes regardless who’s in charge.

        Oh you view the settlements in the West Bank as bad? Remember it’s been happening like that for 80 mother fucking years. State sponsored and all. Pushing palastinians further and further. To the frontiers. Killing those who resist and you wonder why palastinians would fight back as brutally as they have. Because when an Israeli settler stops your palastinian car for driving on his isreal road (which he could tell cause the state mandates distinct license plates for palastinians) do you really think the Israeli state in any form will take the side of the palastinians?

        • oberstoffensichtlich@feddit.org
          7 months ago

          might makes right

          That’s how states and power work, yes. Most places people live and states exist now were inhabitated by others before.

          Saying “Isntreal”, “Zionist entity”, or whatever is denial and lying to yourself.

          What do you think about the 800,000 Jews that had to flee from Arab and Muslim countries after Israel was established? Do they deserve to return and get their lost property back?

          What other historical injustices do you want to roll back? Millions of Germans lost their homes and land at the end of WW2. Should India and Pakistan be united again and millions moved?

          Sure you can play into the Palestinian dream of a Jew free Palestine and violence as the way to achieve it. That way has only lead to Palestinians losing war after war over and over.

            • oberstoffensichtlich@feddit.org
              7 months ago

              Obviously the Jews in Baghdad deserved to be ethnically cleansed because some Jews elsewhere were refusing to be pushed into the Mediterranean. It’s just very convenient that it’s always the Jews’ fault.

              India and Pakistan is just another example of a population exchange with a large number of refugees happening around the same time as Israel’s independence. As you well observed, it’s not a good idea to try and reverse history in that case. However for Israel and Palestinians going back to a historically unstable state is somehow desirable according to you.

              Both Palestinians and the Jewish people have a right to self determination. They claim some of the same land, so a compromise has to be found. Delegitimization of Israel only acknowledges one side and fuels this long lasting conflict.