Agolia Moore was shocked to get a call telling her that her son was found dead in an Alabama prison of a suspected drug overdose. She had spoken to him to earlier that evening and he was doing fine, talking about his hope to move into the prison’s honor dorm, Moore said.

When his body arrived at the funeral home, after undergoing a state autopsy, the undertaker told the family that the 43-year-old’s internal organs were missing. The family said they had not given permission for his organs to be retained or destroyed.

Moore said her daughter and other son drove four hours to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where the autopsy had been performed, and picked up a sealed red bag containing what they were told was their brother’s organs. They buried the bag along with him.

Six families, who had loved ones die in the state prison system, have filed lawsuits against the commissioner of the Alabama Department of Corrections and others, saying their family members’ bodies were returned to them missing internal organs after undergoing state-ordered autopsies. The families crowded into a Montgomery courtroom Tuesday for a brief status conference in the consolidated litigation.

    3 months ago

    The fact that things like this happen in the US shows how corrupt lawmakers and the judiciary have become.

    In the US, if you don’t have money, your life is worthless, according to lawmakers and the courts. And, according to the latest Supreme Court decision signed off on by hypocritical Christian Amy Coney Barret, you can be a criminal just because of being poor: yep, that’s what fake imaginary jesus would have definitely wanted.

    She obviously doesn’t believe the bible fairy-tale on some level or she wouldn’t have agreed with the ruling.

    Here is her disgusting hypocrisy on full-blast, the supposed Christian, ruling as jesus would, that the poor are criminals for sleeping: (She did not write it, but as a Pro-life in all cases Christian, the hypocrisy is fucking astounding.)

    It’s unbelievably disgusting. Even if she knows jesus is fake, it’s cruel and evil. I am mentioning this case because it sets the tone for how people are treated in the US. If a poor person can be locked up for being unable to stay awake, of course they can pull organs out from a criminal without permission. Why not? They can do anything they want until global warming finally comes with its revenge, destroying the planet for the idiocy of the upper-class selfish myopic morons who demand it with their selfishness.