Dial Up. Yeah I know the sound and I know the time it took to load anything with. But it’s something I won’t ever miss having. I would much rather be on a 1MB connection if I had to choose between that or dial up ever again. I also hated how easy it was to be kicked off, if anyone called the phone, you were off it in seconds.

  • Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I still love CDs, but don’t miss vinyl records at all. I grew up in the original vinyl era and was very happy to no longer have to bother with a big and unwieldy format which is physically degraded during every play and which you have to tiptoe past the player to avoid making it skip.

    • negativeyoda@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’m a vinyl guy and how you enjoy music doesn’t affect me, BUT: there’s something wrong with your setup. It’s not level if it’s that sensitive

      I never got on board with CDs because no one knew how to master them for the first few years. Everything sounded quiet, tinny and harsh in the wrong way, so I went back to LPs. Eventually they figured out how to optimize music to that format but then the loudness wars came along and made everything sound like shit again. There was a brief period in the 90s when CDs sounded fantastic.

      If you try to make records too loud the needle will physically jump out of the groove so they have to be relatively normalized (unless you try to fit too much music on one side in which case the record gets super quiet)

      • WhoRoger@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        There is/was something like a loudness db. I’ve got a bunch of CDs from the top of the charts and man that’s so good.