• Fredselfish@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    My son is queer and my another son is bi and I will fight because this isn’t Germany this America we the far right has made the second amendment the corner stone of their party. As someone on the far left I am going take full advantage of this and they are going fuck around and find out.

    Not only should I not run it is almost impossible for us in America to do so if weren’t well off to do so.

    Good luck to you. But lets try and get Biden elected and then after that lets fucking take down both parties from inside if need be.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Nazi Germany wasn’t Nazi Germany until it became Nazi Germany.

      You go ahead and have your little firefight at the expense of your family. I know exactly what happened to my relatives that didn’t leave continental Europe in the 1940s.

      • Fredselfish@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Glad you think I am rich enough to leave and guess your loaded with money and the skills that will allow a foreign country to take you in? Seriously leaving America is not easy and not many countries are going take us in. So I have no choice roll over our fight.

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Rich enough? Until now, this was about you choosing to stay. Not being able to leave is an entirely different matter. That is not what you said to me. This is what you said:

          Fuck that FlyingSquid I’m not running. My boys are LGBTQ and guess what I am going use my second admenment rights to protect them.

          Lets not run I know your in same boat as me in a way except I’m not Jewish but goddammit lets not run lets fight. The fuck if I’m going stand back and watch the same shit that happen in Germany happen here. You shouldn’t either.

          If this is about you not having the means to leave but would like to, that should have been made clear. Because in that post, you expected me to stick around too. Nope. Not going to. Sorry you can’t leave, but if Trump is elected, we are getting the fuck out.

          • Fredselfish@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            No I was pointing out the crazy idea you’re just going leave. I seen your post before your not rich. I doubt you be able to get out either. Besides were would you go? Everywhere I look the right are taking over. France, UK, hell Germany moving to the right and hear Switzerland is far right.

            Far as New Zealand and Finland they have strict guidelines to become citizens. Dude I’m saying running probably an option. Im not running because I know I can’t and shouldn’t. Why I stay in shithole Oklahoma. Can’t change things if I run to what is today maybe blue or left leaning.

            Besides if Trump wins fascism will just spread. America as a long reach.

            • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              First of all, the right just had a massive loss in the UK. That is where we would most likely go, since I have dual citizenship, although there’s also the possibility of Germany since I also have the possibility of dual citizenship there.

              As for how? Sell everything we have. Borrow money if we have to. This is about our daughter’s life.

              Besides if Trump wins fascism will just spread. America as a long reach.

              Cool, I’d rather risk her being thrown into a concentration camp in 10 years than 1.

              Stop moving the goalposts. First this was about how we both needed to stay here and fight, then it was about how you couldn’t afford to leave, now it’s about how you think I don’t have the means to leave and everywhere else is just as bad anyway.

              I disagree with the first point, the second point is, I’m sorry, not my problem and the third and fourth are not yours.

              • Fredselfish@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Not moving goal post sorry saw it that way I’m staying no matter what. Good luck I am hopeful that Trump loses and we can maybe fix things if not then good luck I wish you your family well and hope yall stay safe.

                We are on the same side here we shouldn’t be fighting among ourselves that what the right wants. Sorry if I upset you.

                But if Trump loses I am running for office and hopefully get a lot of like minded people to do the same.

                Message being Healthcare for All Food for All Homes for All…

                If Trump wins then lock and loaded time and time to whip out the guillotines.