LGBTQ+ activists share their stories with DW to warn against the potential consequences should nationalist and far-right parties make their expected gains in the European elections.

Monika Magashazi is a fighter. The 52-year old trans woman lives in Hungary — a country that has been ruled by Viktor Orban’s nationalist Fidesz party since 2010.

For transgender communities, the situation “has been becoming worse and worse and, unfortunately, we are desperate today in Hungary,” she told DW. She said the government was trying to portray trans people as pedophiles and criminals, using seemingly every opportunity to discriminate against them.

Struggling with her own coming out, Magashazi even attempted to take her own life. “I reached a point when I had to decide on how to live on,” she said. Thinking about her children saved her life.

“I said I will keep myself alive and try to live as a transgender woman and the father of my children — or the second attempt will be successful, and I’m going to be dead. And in that case, my children would miss their father,” she said.

    5 months ago

    It is exactly the fact people can’t understand it that it’s wrong. If you can’t understand something, at the very least it leads to people using it in a way that is wrong if not immediately then in the bigger picture. A mother cannot be a father, and a father cannot be a mother. Reality doesn’t work like that. What will that do to the child’s sense of truth. People certainly don’t want others to make them accept a mental delusion as normal. It isn’t. There is no hate involved, it’s simply reality. To say that violence is inevitable is just another way of attempting to force one’s mental issues upon others. To justify it. This will all be seen as some weird phase in humanity’s decline.