• frostmore@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    aaron danielson ring any bells?? how about antifa??

    far left extremists are completely capable of terrorist and other deadly behaviours the question is when and where.

    like i have written ,they are extremes,none is better than the other. you aren’t changing my mind on. the right wing nuts jobs and certainly not the left wing extremists.

    i concur,this conversation isn’t really going anywhere other than you trying to change my mind on the left.

    the right wing nutjobs are crazy for sure but the left wing nutjons are getting crazier.

    • BluesF@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Antifa might be violent, but they are violent in their opposition to violent ideologies, not to random members of the public. Aaron Danielson, I’ll take a guess, is the single example of someone actually being killed by a far left terrorist in the US in a 25 year period, mentioned by the earlier commenter.

      far left extremists are completely capable of terrorist and other deadly behaviours the question is when and where.

      Sure, I mean Pol Pot was a communist, he killed loads of people in Cambodia in the 1970s. But today? There is objective evidence that the far right is worse!

      i concur,this conversation isn’t really going anywhere other than you trying to change my mind on the left.

      I’m trying to convince you, and anyone reading this, that the left is not the same as the right. If you can’t see that, well that’s on you. You have been deluded by the right. You think you’re in the middle, but you aren’t. You are sitting with and minimising the abundant actual crimes of racists and bigots by trying to equate them with trivial internet bullshit and a single solitary actual murder.

      the right wing nutjobs are crazy for sure but the left wing nutjons are getting crazier.

      Hahahah, the left is getting more reasonable with time, not less! I mean, I refer again to Pol Pot, do you see anyone like that on the left today? Nowadays the right are just getting more sensitive, and people like you are whining because you aren’t allowed to be transphobic without people being mean to you and hurting your feelings. Get a grip.