Not that I mind, but… wearing shoes has a purpose… and the most important one IMO is to make sure our feet stay harms way from broken bottles, nails, stuff like that.

I’m not even gonna get into how cold it must be not wearing them in the winter… or how hot the asfalt might get during the summer. The asfalt can go up to 80, 90°C where I live during the summer, people have fried eggs on it for kicks.

    9 months ago

    I mean, the whole destorying your shoes thing is stupid. And I give you winter.

    But in the summer I walk around barefoot all the time.

    Yes, asphalt can get quite hot, but it’s usually managable if you walk fast or occationally step on some gras or surface in the shadow. It’s also not that hard to avoid stepping into things. Also once you build up some callus you can actually step on some suprisingly sharp objects without really hurting yourself.

      8 months ago

      Adding to avoiding things, when the consequence of stepping on is a lot of pain, you get good at watching where you’re going and adjusting mid-stride to avoid stepping on things that even appear sharp.

      One of the nice side effects of shoes with soles is that you don’t have to concentrate on exactly where you are stepping all the time.

      Edited for clarity