Hello, I’m Italian and I’m reading what I understood to be a classic in American HIstory. I’m throug 100 pagesi in and I have the feeling that the author is a bit too partisan and unbalanced. Sometimes I feel that he had already decided what happened and then he tries to find facts that confirm his prejudices.
Hence, I’m asking if someone out there knows another book about the same subjecst that is not at all celebratory toward America, actually I’m looking for a book that is very critic and severe toward America, but at the same time that is more balanced. Any advice?

(Sorry if this message could sound confused or badly written, I’m not mother tongue and, also, the feeling toward the book is there but still blurry, but there’s something about this book that doesn’t convince me.)

  • RainfallSonata@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Saying you’re looking for a critical alternative sounds strange to this American. Here, that book is the critical alternative. It’s the counterpoint to all the toxic conservative propaganda we’re spoonfed daily. Propaganda that tells us that straight, white, Christian, American men are not only the saviors of democracy, but also the Universe, that God, guns, and money will save us all. That book tells the stories we’re taught to deny. If it doesn’t convince you, it’s because it goes against everything America wants you to believe. If you’re just looking to be mad, turn on Fox News. They’ll tell you plenty of things that are “wrong” with America.

    • intensely_human@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      And you don’t see how what you just wrote here could be seen as biased? I think OP’s looking for something outside that point of view you just espoused.