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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Only three states allow conjugal visits.

    In most prisons even masturbation is against the rules.

    Personally I think that is a bridge to far and they should have a masturbation room.

    If you think prisoners should be able to inmate sex and orgies. Write you state leaders as they can change the laws.

    The problem is many people don’t care about the incarcerated. I want prisons to keep dangerous people away from society and rehabilitate those who are returning to society. I’m not a fan of prison is punishment since that doesn’t really fix anything

  • I have no clue why they moved her to a male facility. It’s not in the article. Until more comes out on the case, it’s a mystery.

    I suspect this is a maximum security and I have no clue how many they have for women in Washington.

    In Nevada where my girlfriend worked in the prison system, they only have one for women. They’d move them to another section of the prison if possible or send them out of state.

    Overall though they led it slide as long as there were no issues.

  • She was raping another prisoner. That’s why she being moved. There is no consensual sex in prison.

    Solitary confinement is needed in some situations. This isn’t one of them. It is overused but should never be used as a punishment. It should be used to keep people safe.

    It’s a blurb of an article and I don’t know the backstory to know what the right answer is.

    To me it doesn’t matter if she murdered someone or not. The prison system is supposed to be dispassionate about the crime.