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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • For one child?

    Edit: Ah, right. Yes, it’s the same fee for us, possibly we live in the same kommun.

    But there’s also a special clause for children above 3 years of age, which both of mine are.

    För barn 3–5 år som enbart går i allmän förskola (15 timmar per vecka) betalar du ingen avgift.

    För övriga 3–5 åringar med plats på förskola och pedagogisk omsorg minskas avgiften med 25 procent automatiskt med anledning av rätten till allmän förskola. Det gäller från 1 juli det år då barnet fyller tre år.

    So that’s 1688 - 25% = 1266 SEK (for our first-born). Possibly you don’t have that discount because your child is younger than 3?

  • You’re not allowed to for example pop in and do some shopping on the way to pick-up, which I presume most people do anyway from time to time because who is going to check.

    Indeed. Another perspective (not my own) is:

    “I work weekends sometimes as a nurse and I get no freaking rest and recovery unless I send the kids to daycare on the one day in the middle of the week that I’m not working this week, lest I collapse from exhaustion”. Not gonna lie, it’s more healthy for the kids as well because it creates a better routine for them.


    “If I don’t pop in to buy this carton of milk for 5-10 minutes before pickup, we’ll have to do it after pickup, in which case it’ll take 45 minutes to an hour and the kids will be tired and irritated (and so will I) and get less sleep because of the extra time before supper and they’ll be cranky tomorrow morning causing all kinds of domino effect havoc”.

    Both cases are worse for the kids, if you follow the rules.

    🤷‍♂️ I’m definitely guilty of not following the rules 100 %. Actually somewhat proud of it, but I can’t admit to it to anyone because I’ll be guilty of fraud or some shit.

  • Ah, that’s unfortunately not as generous as in Sweden then.

    As a father, I get 10 days of emergency parental leave that are available from the day the child is born (and available within a window of maybe 2 months or something? Can’t remember).

    Then both parents get 480 days of parental leave days to share, per child. It’s automatically split equally in a parental leave days account with the national insurance authority, handling such things as welfare and parental leave, etc.

    We have two kids, so altogether me and my wife have gotten 480 days total, each.

    Each parent can also transfer 45 days per child to the other parent, which I did because she wanted to spend more time with our first child.

    You also have to spend your days before a certain age. Only 96 days can be saved after the age of 4. This is to encourage spending time with your child at a younger age. After the age of 12, no days can be saved.

    So with all of these rules in place, you get to decide when and how you spend your parental leave days.

    Still some caveats with respect to employers’ perspective:

    • employers usually require a certain amount of time of heads-up before you go on leave, but 3 months is enough that they can’t deny your request, by law.
    • employers only have to honor 3 parental leave requests per year.

    So that’s it, basically. 👍

  • enable the Do Not Disturb feature on your devices

    I don’t really need to do this ☝️, because I’ve done this 👇.

    and only grant notification permissions to essential apps

    Never do I get notifications that I don’t want, unless I’ve installed some new app and haven’t fine-tuned its notification settings yet, after allowing notifications from it at all. 👍

    Besides all that, I definitely agree that the FOSS lifestyle helps with a quiet digital existence. You only ever take part in information that you seek out on your own. Very nice.

    Also not having installed addictive apps like Instagram or Facebook with algorithm-controlled content, really helps keep away scroll addiction.