
I am a feminist and some sort of left anarchist. I like video games, FOSS software, Lord of the Rings, math, and summoning uncountably many demons by digging too deep.

I am not LGBTQ+ but I try to be a good ally. (How’s my driving?)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • Mexico attacked the US like Hamas attacked Israel

    Bad comparison. Mexico is an independent nation recognized by the UN. No nation disputes it’s sovereignty over it’s lands.

    Palestine is dependent on Israel. Israel controls the flow of people and goods from it’s borders. Israel controls electrical power to Palestine. Israel geographically surrounds Palestine.

    One actor holds all the cards here. One actor has the power to improve conditions in Gaza (people don’t generally choose to support violent militants for no reason) and chooses to bomb it.

  • I agree. I think what we’re seeing is a lot of Americans being failed by society writ large. Corporate America no longer upholds their side of the social contract (working 40hr doesn’t always guarantee enough money for a person to support themselves, let alone retirement or healthcare). They’re dumping all this money into politics to push their own narratives, and it’s blatantly obvious they’re doing it.

    Why trust the process when the process is bad? Of course misinformation is everywhere. Misinformation is a symptom of our societal failures here, the internet and 24hr news is just the delivery method.

  • Ever seen this? (2014 protest against net neutrality stuff)

    There’s nothing wrong with companies informing their customers on how ongoing legislation will affect them.

    That being said, I approve of restricting TikTok’s power and influence. I don’t approve of it happening like this. This is a problem for every social media company, not just TikTok. Americans need full privacy protections and transparency behind algorithms that shape their content.

    Forcing the sale of one company doesn’t do much but get it out of China’s hands (which… okay fine, this is probably good. We wouldn’t be in this scenario in the first place if congress could do anything to put more control in consumer’s hands in regards to their privacy/content).

  • The irony of a billion dollar company losing my personal info and helpfully offering me credit monitoring service from the other billion dollar company that lost my info. It’s so good.

    Throw into the mix: I had to do business with AT&T because they were the only ISP available to my Appartment complex. I never had the choice to not do business with these companies.

    Equifax handles my company’s payroll.

    Please, I want to get off Mr bones wild ride.

  • I really wish they hadn’t included it. I personally found it unenjoyable to watch those first couple episodes because of it.

    (Dear reader: If you’re first reaction to my opinion is that sexual violence against women in this setting is realistic and fits in the show, 1) this is a series with mutant animals caused by radiation and a guy in a robot suit 2) you don’t think much of your fellow man if you think it’s inevitable 3) it’s just like, my opinion, man)

    I haven’t watched the whole first season but we’re about halfway through and they didn’t mention it again. It would have been worse if the main character herself felt more… harmed, but she seems very utilitarian about it. I feel pretty mid about the show overall (for more reasons than just this), and I’m just really tired of acts of sexual violence showing up in media that’s meant to be goofy entertainment.

  • …don’t you think this is a little dismissive? Maybe I’m wrong but most people are catholic because they were raised that way.

    It sure would suck if something I had no control over excluded me from my own culture/religion/family. In fact, if I found myself in that situation, the right thing to do would be to make changes, if I could, for other people like me and those people’s families.

    By the way, I do think religion as an institution sucks. But, I don’t think these people are supporting face-eating leopards. These people live in the jungle already, their choice is to leave or fight leopards.

  • If you give your ss number out, you should assume the company will save it forever and misuse it.

    We have ss numbers from customers dating back at least 15 years. It saves us time if they come back, that’s the only reason they’re kept that long (to my knowledge). It’s a casino, we need ss if you win enough to pay taxes. So, we do need to keep them for some length of time.

    But, ss are visible to most customer service staff that handle reward cards (starting pay is the defacto minimum wage for the area for some of those roles, btw).

  • You are always free to host your own lemmy instance. Then you can choose to federate with whoever you want.

    If I hosted an instance, I wouldn’t want to host hate speech or weird porn, and it would also be my right to not do so.

    I also wouldn’t want to bother moderating a lemmy instance for people I didn’t know, and having to hear their demands for what they want to see/not see. That’s just me, personally and I’m glad there are people out there doing the work for me.

    What I’m saying is, if you’re going to interact with a platform with possibly millions of users there’s going to be ground rules, and those take time to agree on. Lemmy is unique in that you can move to an instance that fits you better. I don’t think social media should be monetized, but we can’t ignore they take time and money to run. You have to compromise on somethings sometimes.

    Or you can just run your own.

  • You seem to be very enthusiastic about criticizing apple.

    I just own an iPhone so I don’t think I can engage with you with all these critiques. I bought it because at that point in time, it was cheaper than a Samsung. I had concerns about privacy, and it seemed like apple had better control of their App Store and there was less crapware there.

    I had tried a custom android rom before this (it must have been around 2013, cyanogenmod) but it was too early in development maybe, and it sucked. It might have been the phone I installed it on. At any rate, I gave up on custom roms for a bit.

    My job uses iPhones for an industry specific dispatch software that does not use the cellular network. So I am glad Im familiar with iPhone software, though I wouldn’t have bought one just for this reason. They were using iPods for the software before that, but the iPods didn’t have replaceable batteries and had to be disposed of (which is a shame, they were much smaller)

    My iphone is 5-6 years old now, I’ll buy something else when I have to. Probably something I can try lineageOS or whatever the new rom is.