Those Peak Design backpacks are pretty nice.
Those Peak Design backpacks are pretty nice.
To cover what? DJI isn’t paying anything extra.
If they raise the price to $1700, then the tariff would be $1020 to the US government, again by you, and you would pay $2720 total to get your thing, split between DJI and the port authority.
After they put it on the boat DJI doesn’t care. They have their $1000. If they feel like it they can add the tariff charge and handle that for you, that’s how it usually happens now, but they don’t have to. You’ll just get a letter from the port authority about the charges needed to release your item.
I mean it’s very simple. A tariff is what you pay the government to get stuff released from the port of entry.
You buy a $1000 DJI quadcopter that was manufactured in China, if Trump does his “60% on everything from China” tariff the US government says you have to pay them $600 or it goes back on the boat.
The complicated part of tarrifs is stuff like “are X-men action figures human or non-human toys” because those get different rates. Not what tariffs “are”.
(if that service goes down, everyone in my house gets mad at me)
I bought a PiZero and set it up as a redundant pihole for this reason. It’s slower because it’s wireless, but not super noticeable since it’s ‘just’ DNS. I have the router pointed at the main and backup all the time and if I need to do something (or break the main one messing with dockers) there’s still the backup until I get the main up.
I messed around with some High Availability configs where they both had the ‘same’ ip but could never get it working smoothly. I just use the teleporter functionality within pihole any time I update anything to keep them in sync, which is rare.
A lot of the Old Testament this. Any translation that uses more readable language is nice. The King James version etc get too much credit for sounding religiousy.
Genesis through Deuteronomy or so are what a lot of Protestant churches at least focus on. The New Testament is Jesus’ life and then a bunch of letters to various early churches about how the Religion should work.
A lot of “the rest” are the kind of fables they’re talking about. Ruth, Esther, Job, Samuel, etc. The ones named after people/mythological figures, depending on your point of view/beliefs.
The author took inspiration from a WW2 book using actual accounts before, during, and after the war.
It (WWZ) really is fantastic. And the audiobook version with an all star cast is as well.
The article is correct to point out that in today’s economy, if you don’t have your parents support, you have many fewer opportunities.
That sounds more like a symptom of inequality than a driver of it. That people with sufficient family support aren’t yet as under water as people without doesn’t mean they’re driving inequality. If anything “people with support survive better” is too basic to write an article about.
Similar to how BP popularized a personal carbon footprint to distract from systemic problems with the oil industry, focusing on the people that still manage to eke out a middle class living as “part of the problem” is like myopically studying why a particular tree hasn’t burned yet during a forest fire.
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Only real reason IMO is dust can collect on the seam and it’s annoying to clean without taking the peel off anyway.
IDK why people get weird about it.
I figure not fixing that is 10% not knowing they could, 20% doing so would make it easier to rip stuff, 70% doing nothing costs them nothing since you’re supposed to be using the Blu-ray interface anyway.
There will be a surge in “nobody wants to work anymore”.
As much as I love Tom Scott and it’s a fantastic visual/temporal representation, I doubt a lot of people have the patience.
I like “1 Million seconds is 11 days, 1 Billion seconds is 31 years” as a more succinct example.
One person earning $3600/hr, 24/7, without spending any of it, would take 31 years to become a billionaire.
Fun puzzle game that got ripped off by 2048 and it’s endless clones. They wrote a blog post on how shitty mobile game development can be.
He bought co-founder status at Paypal too IIRC. He was ousted in part because he wanted to rename it “”. Weird that.
What are you talking about?
This is not about streaming to a laptop or Internet access. This is about a long range, low power, low bandwidth network using 2.4GHz. It’s using 2.4GHz, like everyone else likes to, because it’s the “free” signal band that you don’t have to pay to license. It’s for sending the message “Sprinkler head 1039A is leaking” from a solar panel powered transmitter without having to run a data cable or network repeaters.
It’s competition for Zigbee/Z-Wave/Matter. Not the herald of the ISP crackdown Armageddon.
It’s definitely exploded but content farms were a problem even before 2022. There’s a reason google results starting with “reddit” / “stack overflow” were trending so hard.
Even with amazing documentation, it can be hard to find the thing you’re looking for if you don’t know the right phrasing or terminology yet. It’s easily the most usable thing I’ve seen come out of “AI”, which makes sense. Using a Language Model to parse language is a very literal application.
A Radler is a German thing, shandy in English. Basically half lager half lemonade. Fantastic light drink. I’ve seen them at Total Wine in a few flavors.
Beer cocktails are a thing. Drink what you like.