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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 15th, 2020


  • not even “still on facebook”, since 2020, the surge of people moving TO facebook instead of away of facebook has increased tremendously.

    the traditional second hand market sites are dying because facebook marketplace is taking over.

    traditional websites and helpdesk/support channels are dying because companies are switching to facebook pages and messenger/whatsapp.

    old school forums have more or less been entirely replaced by facebook groups.

    alternative chat platforms have more or less died because of messenger.

    branding is nearly gone everywhere and has been replaced by instagram.

    the list goes on.

    and imo the worst part is, facebooks policy and technical offering is inferior to the alternatives people are moving away from. and the only reason everyone is moving to facebook is because everyone is moving to facebook.

    the day Mastodon offers Groups, I will be advertising the move to Mastodon and shortly shut down the groups I run. Though, Groups was supposed to be out already last year and yet we’re in 2024 and nothing is happening. If they had managed to stick to schedule it would have been a golden opportunity because a lot of people were looking for alternatives (but found none), when facebook went ham on their policy. but as there was no alternatives, everyone’s back on facebook just circumventing the policies (for now).

  • our taxes goes to fund resources and development. and a large part of those taxes goes directly to microsoft so our governments can maintain windows and office installs instead of developing a public solution; its a problem because we aren’t actually getting anything from the taxes that goes to microsoft; which, unless you live in the US, is practically illegal unless specifically hiring a domestic corporation to supply the product (good ol’ privatization).

    oh sure. big bad china gonna get us. meanwhile, the US keep fucking with us over here in europe and breaking our laws in the name of american private enterprises.

    but yes, europe should really stop relying on foreign corporations for vital infrastructure, and yet here we are, laws being broken, national security thrown out the window, and no one cares.

  • they should, especially as a smaller business, as data leaks could run into GDPR problems. my ex-employer, for example, handled all customer data in plaintext and never delete data for people who were no longer customers. he also insisted on using non-secured channels for business related information/secrets. and zero backup systems. malware ripe for the taking lol. had one system crash and he went mental but refused to accept a backup solution. absolutely no understanding of IT and deaf to any recommendations because of fear that he’d be unable to replace me with a cheaper employee once i was done setting everything up.

    three years later, three employees later, and the cheaper replacements were unable to do anything anyway and it’s all broken now. but i’m sure in his mind it’s all my fault.

    so yes, they don’t, either due to incompetence or to cut corners. but they definitely should.

  • discord literally having a concurrent controversy (the name change); and they feel it good to go there?

    besides. discord is useless as a reddit replacement. discord is not indexed and you cannot retrieve the data publicly; much like facebook groups which would be the same thing. i mean; who doesn’t (or didn’t) use +reddit in their google searches for the past 2 years?

    discord has also been bleeding users lately.

    and, it’s another corporation. worse than reddit. with a poor track record.

    but sure! let’s move to there! sounds brilliant! i’m sure all will be well!

    …what’s next, facebook groups?