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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2024

  • If there’s a way to do it without hurting the bears I want to see a show where they have them taste test things. I wonder what the bear-approved brand of canned chili would be. Bah it would probably be rigged by corporate sponsors. Today’s episode is sponsored by Hormel, so we have 5 brands of chili for the bears to try. Wow!! They all chose Hormel, the best canned chili on the market! And then later it comes out that they put skunk extract in all the other brands so the bears would go for Hormel only.

  • I had an explosive migraine a couple years ago and went to the emergency room because I thought I was dying. I had to wait for about 3 hours before being seen. Once I was seen they did a brain x ray and gave me an IV migraine medication. I had a bad sinus infection and inflammation that was pressing on facial nerves and triggering the migraine. They told me to take Claritin and sent me home.

    After about a month I got the bill, over $8000. I forgot what my “good” insurance paid to the hospital but my part of it was $8k. For an x ray and IV. They also charged $200 for IV hydration which I didn’t ask for or consent to, and didn’t need because I keep myself well hydrated always.

    Also it turned out that this infection was bacterial because about a week after I went to the hospital I started getting 103-105°F fevers. I then went to an urgent care and had to pay $180 to get told that I need to wait at least 3 weeks with the infection before they will treat it with antibiotics. So I suffered like that for another 2 weeks and finally got antibiotics from a different place. The nerve pain I got from that infection was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I was literally screaming and thrashing around, completely delirious with fever and pain and my wife trying to keep me alive. I fucking hate this country.

    Oh I just remembered, I also got sent an additional $300 bill for the specific doctor I saw at the hospital. Yeah that’s a thing in a America too. You sometimes have to pay both the hospital you went to and the individual doctor who saw you, separately.