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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • You had a bad experience. I respect that. I have not.

    Unless we can force a certificate of origin from your local optician for the lenses and the frames, there is a good chance we are actually purchasing material made in PRC.

    Regarding service, I’ve used glasses for so long I learned how to maintain, fit and fix minor damage to my glasses.

    And regarding quality, even when I paid a lot more money, a pair of glasses would last for about a year, give or take a couple of months. I get the same time from a cheaper set of glasses. So, no gain in spending more.

  • I recently discovered I can use an angle grinder with a level of precision and finess most people take some time to develop.

    From free hand cutting straight lines into pretty much anything that can be cut, to precise cut of stone, cement or even metal.

    I was dead afraid of this particular power tool for all my life and only when forced to use one to do some repairs around the house I discovered I could handle it so easily.

  • Unless a lot as changed, they do care.

    Every single laptop and any prebuilt computer I find in the market comes pre installed with a Windows.

    A good friend approached me to install a Linux on a brand new machine and just to make sure we called the customer support line, informing there was interest to return the windows license, as the software would not be used.

    The reply we got was that by removing the software the warranty of the equipment would be null and void. The option was to ship the computer to their maintenance provider and have it removed, with costs presented at end for labour.

  • I really didn’t want to but their comment just reeks of it my guy.

    Except that you did want to. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have done.

    Unless by “doing this shit here as well”, you’re referring to the act of not reading the article, jumping to conclusions, and spreading fear and disinformation.

    In order to be as fair as possible, I went back and read the comment again.

    Is it inflammatory and excessive, while putting out an outlook of distrust towards a new technology? It can be understood as such. Yet, to a degree, I respect and understand that opinion.

    Spurting out “okay boomer” doesn’t dismantle that comment; it’s a personal attack.

    Either add to the conversation on just keep your peace. Makes the world a better place.

  • Prices for food in a restaurant is not that hard to calculate: you figure the cost of one plate of food, multiply it by four and that is price to be charged before taxation.

    One part is for the pantry. One part is for the kitchen staff. One part is for the room staff. One part is for the house.

    Not hard to figure.

    Drinks and beverages are basically all profit, unless you want to drink water with a refined meal (the healthiest/best option but most people won’t), so you will pay for a soft drink twice or triple what it costs you at the store and lets not start talking about wines, beers or, even worse, spirits.

  • I use a derivative of this browser for what I call “junk surfing” and I find it personally satisfying to feed it garbage searches, just for the fun of collecting an obscure crypto I know will never accrue any true value.

    But if they are willing to give it to me, I’ll take it.

    The important searches go through FF or the DuckDuckGo browser.

  • “There are two kinds of people: those of have lost data and those who are about to lose data.”

    Redundancy saves a lot of headaches.

    I’m always for supporting new technologies, new companies, new ideas, but that does not mean I’m dropping everything to just get that brand new shiny stuff.

    I see the concept and technology for SSDs as groubdbreaking and pretty awsome but I don’t trust those drives to store data I don’t want to lose. I still use good old fashioned HDDs: the tech is tried and tested, mature and reliable and very affordable.

    I still use SSDs but I use them as not safe storage mediums, prone to break at any moment, without any warning.

    And regardless of this I still keep several copies of important files and critical ones, if possible, are made physical.

    And even then…

    Read the opening sentence again.