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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Oh lol at someone from .world speaking authoritatively on anything. I left your dumbass instance for a reason.

    How could a business owner set up their business so that other people couldn’t simply shut it down on a whim in such a manner?

    you might have anxiety or some sort of fixation on rejection.

    The person you’re responding to isn’t putting OP down.

    Sure looks like a fucking put-down to me.

    Again, you are taking a very valid concern that other people aside from OP have, that has prevented justice on serious issues, that other people in the thread provided evidence for and you’re defending a knuckledragger whose only response was to blame OP and invalidate their emotions by labeling them with a mental disorder they do not have the knowledge or authority to apply.

    And of course your alt-right yee-hawing cousin-fucking ass from the right wing instance is going to defend an action that obscenely and blatantly cruel because you do it to people all the time and you don’t want to admit what you’re doing is wrong.

    Don’t come crying when your ass loses your job because someone purposefully bullied you in public, got you angry enough to yell at them, then recorded you and put the video on Twitter. Which happens to a lot of people. Just tell yourself what your dumb fuck friend told OP, it’s all in your head and you just have anxiety even though it’s clearly other people actively abusing you. See how you feel then, genocidal Nazi

  • It would take 5, maybe 10 years at most to build a Lofstrom loop making it possible to send out unmanned mining craft en masse, and then have the craft process minerals in zero g and then dump the calcium into the ocean. Furnish the magnesium into rebar and run a current theough it when it’s stuck in the deep sea. We could even build nice seasteading islands at the same time with that approach – create more living space while undoing the damage we’ve done to the oceans. Win-win.

    Governments are running experiments on SSPSes now, in no small psrt because of climate change.

    We absolutely can and should take the space approach now while we still have time.

    Speaking of time, we can and should launch a solar shade up there to immediately stop the warming to give us the time we need to decarbonize, and clean up the oceans and forests. A solar shade will cool the Earth without the baggage and environmental problems associated with dumping sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere as the U.S. and EU are considering.

    Of all the options, the solar shade might be the most mandatory, and would be very doable cheaply with a Lofstrom loop.

  • It’s reductive because it’s not meant to convince you. It’s simply what is. You asked me why I thought it is moral and those are my reasons why, and they’re gonna stay that way whether you like it or not. They don’t have to be reasonable or sensible or in line with your worldview. You don’t have to agree with them. They don’t even have to make sense to you. They’re MY reasons, and they are valid simply because I hold them, because I say they are, because I decide what’s ethical to me and what’s not. That’s all.

    And you have to put up with that whether you want to or not.

  • Human expansion into space is anything but that and the idea that it is is just meaningless capitalist propaganda. Human expansion into space consists of:

    • Building space solar power stations (SSPSes) to beam power down to the Earth 24/7 to replace the coal plants

    • Mining calcium and magnesium from the Moon and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) to bind with the excess CO2 in th oceans to stop and reverse ocean acidification

    • Mining rare-Earth elements from NEAs to mass-produce electric cars and batteries down here ln Earth to replace gas vehicles

    • Build O’Neill cylinders to preserve and rebuild ecosystems in safe places where poachers will never be able to reach

    Among other things.