• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

    • Steam: 1325
    • GoG: 174
    • Epic: 406

    Epic and GoG I’ve not bought a single thing from either of them, that’s all free shit. For Steam, most of that is stuff that’s been accumulated from Humble Bundles and just from having an account for ~20 years now. If I were to just quit my job and game full-time for the rest of my life, there’s probably more games to play in my collection than I have years left to live.

  • Didn’t even watch Ready Player One the movie because the audiobook was just as cringey, and it was read by Wil Wheaton of all people. I like his work with boardgaming (tabletop), but something about his voice just so well represented the blatant fan service-ness of the whole thing, I hated every minute of it.

    As for popular movies that I hated? I don’t feel THAT strongly about it, but I was just kind of meh on Sonic 3. I wasn’t even expecting a masterpiece, but it seems like there’s been enough online hype that made it seem like it was going to be better than expected. It was just whatever. My kids liked it well enough, so I’m probably not the target audience anyways, I’ve played many of the Sonic games, but I’m not nostalgic or a Sonic nerd or anything. It was a sub-par movie with a handful of funny lines.

  • You might try meetups around a hobby that you’re into (or interested in learning about). I always suggest boardgaming because it’s a relatively casual atmosphere for meeting people around an activity. There’s no pressure to carry on a conversation and you’re not dating these people, just meeting strangers for gaming. You usually still have to talk about the game and rules as you’re playing, so it gives you something in common to talk about. The rules provide structure if you’re socially awkward, so it’s maybe not as chaotic as just going to a party with a bunch of people there and trying to carry on random conversations. Meetup.com is what I’ve tried before and that worked well for me in my area (results may vary).

    That’s just something to get you out of the house, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone seems like the first thing you’d want to try doing. Getting out and meeting new people can help sometimes. It sounds like you’re in a rut, just sort of bored with everything, or at least wanting something more. Otherwise, maybe pick some sort of hobby or interest maybe you’ve though about before and just throw yourself into it if you have the time and/or money. Learn something new. Start an exercise routine or just start going on extended (30min) walks around your neighborhood. Start volunteering somewhere. Write in a journal. Just do something that’s not part of your typical routine that sparks some new mental connections for you.

    And even though you don’t feel depressed, what you’re describing still could be a sign of depression, so reaching out for support is always an option that you shouldn’t feel ashamed of or anything.

    Just throwing some stuff out there as ideas, but I hope everything works out well for you.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldItch.io games site taken down
    3 months ago

    On one level, I sympathize with companies like Nintendo, I don’t want to, BUT companies are supposed to make efforts to protect their IP or they run the risk of losing those exclusive protections when it matters later on (abandonment). So if they want to continue their IP rights, they’re supposed to defend it against anything that comes along. I still don’t like it, but I kind of understand why they have to do it.

    Granted, I think they could come up with some sort of licensing terms that would made it easy for solo developers to still develop small-time projects to encourage people to create these one-off labors of love, similar to what alot of TTRPG developers do, but for whatever reason, they go the hardball approach, which just creates bad feelings in the community.


  • That’s what I’ve been wondering, we really don’t even know what the motive was, but the one thing that kind of elevates this beyond him being a “basic murderer” is the carved words on the bullets. That seems to suggest some kind of motive above just him being a hitman or just killing some random person.

    Regardless, I think most people are having the reaction they’re having to this because of our ridiculous healthcare system, everyone recognizes it as a problem and alot of people have a loved one who has been wronged by it. Almost any other issue would’ve created a partisan split where Republicans took one position and Democrats took the other position. That a set of clear Left/Right narratives haven’t emerged yet kind of suggests that alot of people aren’t particularly bothered by it. Where this goes though is anyone’s guess, maybe it’s just a single unified moment that is quickly overshadowed by some other bullshit that comes along.

  • That’s kind of how I thought about it before, I didn’t want them to think they had gotten to me, that they had “won” the argument, but anymore I feel like I’m using it because I just don’t care to interact with them and I don’t want any incidental contact in the future. We disappear from each other’s online presence, I don’t have to think about them ever again. They can think they “won”, whatever, I’ve stopped thinking about them anymore.

  • That “You” part was specifically something I was thinking about before I wrote this. It sounded odd when I first started thinking about it, but that often becomes the point when the other person starts making it personal. It’s one thing if a person says it as an example, “Would you be ok if this or this happened?” But if they’re personally directing it at me, whether name calling or accusing or something more confrontational, that’s where it usually crosses over.

  • And upon confirmation of my fertility, Lula, their chieftess (34DDD) takes me to her personal sanctuary inside of a rusted out old Greyhound bus on the edge of the ruins of old Cincinnati, close to the Forbidden zone.

    Once inside, her personal servants cleanse my body of filth from the rigors of travel. As is tradition with their tribe, soap is applied directly to their nude bodies before being rubbed vigorously across my body.

    After an extended cleaning session, and a pat down, I’m deemed acceptably clean for my first mating with Chieftess Lula, who will personally collect my sacred life juice, impregnating herself to produce the tribe’s next chieftess. After that, I would be given the rest of tribe, a slave to their every whim, expected to impregnate their finest, bustiest shield-maidens. I thank past-Me for never having gotten a vasectomy.

    Stay tuned for the continued adventures of the Fallout Fuckboy, as he struggles to survive the She-Demons of Cincinnati!

  • The MCU has run out of steam after they got away from the A list heroes. It’s not that B- or C- list characters can’t do well, it’s just that it takes a talented writer/director to do it with a good movie, and Disney/Marvel just isn’t capable of getting that consistently on their own, they’re too safe & corporate. They’re just trying to recreate what made the original MCU run successful, but we’ve already seen that. I don’t know that there’s necessarily “superhero fatigue”, though trends in movies & pop culture come and go, that’s inevitable, but for me it’s more been “bad writing fatigue”, I’m just sick of their lazy ass shit writing, it’s insulting and I’m tired of being treated like that by the MCU.