Flâneur, dilettante, and aesthete. Interested in the three Fs: Fauna, Flora, Funga (especially the latter), history, maps, and food. I also make Origami cranes and play the occasional game of chess.
I fear you grossly misinterpreted my comment but for clarity: the West should have backed Assad as the alternative will be worse, a lot worse.
You assumed correctly. And they have. The West, particularly the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and other European countries, has supported various rebel groups in Syria during the Syrian Civil War, which began in 2011. Initially, the support was aimed at opposing the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. and its allies provided military training, weapons, and funding to moderate rebel groups, such as the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The Kurds in the north of Syria have been openly backed by the US for years. Admittedly it’s not necessarily the FSA that have become victorious but the point still stands…the West has backed the wrong horse. And in the months to come this they will privately lament the regime’s demise.
And your point is?
The West will soon realise they backed the wrong horse.
20 nonillion in short scale, or 20 quintillion in long scale.
I hate to say this but “let the market decide” if Ai is something the consumer wants/needs they’ll pay for it otherwise let it die.
They don’t - it adds to the flavour.
I see what you did there…and I approve haha
Never much on a hunch ;)
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Not to know what happened before you were born is to remain always a child. Open any history book, perhaps “Mankind and Mother Earth” by Toynbee. Examine the rise, decline, and fall of any of the civilisation. Then come back.
The term is brandished around to such an extent it has no meaning.
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America is lost - no matter who wins the election. It is over.
And I’m really not surprised by your response…
You obviously don’t proofread yours then.
Actually I have reexamined my initial comment and I could have phrased it clearly I appreciate that on first sight it was a tad cryptic with multiple interpretations. 😀