While great in this application, overall this is an extremely shit idea. Do you really think the same court that let the dipshit go wouldn’t abuse the change by trying the poor and minorities over and over until charges stick?
Life is complicated, think through the consequences of your ideas.
Edit: spelling
“U.S. District Judge Daniel Traynor, of Bismarck, North Dakota…”
Federal judges from States with almost no people in them should not be making decisions for the whole country. I live in a state with a smaller population than most big cities.
Will the best option would be a criminal case and a civil case. Best part of a civil case is that it does not have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, just more likely than not.
Take their money AND lock them up.
Edit: corrected autocorrect
Staffordshire Terrier
What happens if I run paint splatters through OCR? Hmmmmm that random output looks like Perl. Holy shit it is Perl!
This actually happening is one reason I love the internet.
This is the way
My understanding is that utes are generally unibodies, but that truck definitely has a frame. Based off the wheels and bed cover, it’s a useless truck driven by a dickhead, but a truck just the same.
Why not 150%. At a bare minimum every single dollar brought in by illegal action deserves to be taken.
History is written by those that write stuff down.