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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The 10 commandments are pretty funny, even if you ignore all the differences from the different factions.

    Like, there’s a commandment against bearing false witness, which is sometimes interpreted as not lying. But, it pretty specifically isn’t against lying in the original text. The modern translation of the text is more or less: “Do not testify falsely against your neighbor”. So, it’s a specific kind of lying: giving evidence as a witness in a criminal setting. So, you’re ok to lie, just not in court. Also, you’re ok to lie as long as it isn’t concerning your neighbour. What’s a neighbour? Depends. The original jewish interpretation is that it’s a member of the same religious community. Jesus tried to expand that to say everyone was your neighbour. But, arguably the original interpretation says it’s OK to give false testimony against non-jews.

    Then there’s the obsession over your neighbour’s wife and stuff. The catholic version of the 10 commandments actually devotes 2 whole commandments to it. But, what’s weird is that stealing and adultery have already been covered. This (or these) commandments are about coveting. In other words, they’re trying to control not your actions but your feelings.

    IMO, one of the funniest ones is “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”. It’s pretty vague, what does it mean to “remember” it? You’d think that the absolute bare minimum would be to remember which day of the week it is. But, if that’s the case, why would the jewish and christian sabbath days be different? I guess they forgot.

  • No it isn’t. The letters “gh” doesn’t make the “f” sound without the full “ough”, you can’t just take some of the letters out. Same with the “ti” in “tion”. In addition, words trace their pronunciation from their origin. Words ending in “tion” are latin-derived, and shares an origion with “sion” (Mission, passion) and cion (suspicion). The reason that “ough” sometimes has an “f” sound is that originally it had a glottal stop, like the word “loch” in Scottish, but over time that glottal stop slipped and became an “f”.

    The point is, while certain letter sequences have surprising pronunciations in English, you can’t just take those weird pronunciations out of context and create a new word. And you certainly can’t say that “ghoti” is pronounced “fish”.

  • On one hand, Assange is a shitty person. One woman woke up to him sticking his dick in her without her consent and without a condom. On the same trip he’d had sex with a different woman who had also insisted on his using a condom, which he reluctantly did… but then the condom mysteriously broke. While a guest of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he was hiding out to duck the Swedish charges, he smeared shit on the walls and refused to bathe. He also helped the Russian GRU interfere in the 2016 Presidential Election, either as a useful idiot or a willing collaborator.

    On the other hand, as shitty as he is, he was effectively a journalist. With Wikileaks he released leaked footage of a US helicopter firing on civilians in Iraq. He released reports on corruption by Kenyan leaders. He released internal scientology documents. The world needs journalists who will publish stories about things that powerful people, governments and churches don’t want people to know.

    On the other, other hand, at times he hung his sources out to dry, like he did with Bradley / Chelsea Manning.

    The plea deal he agreed to is bullshit. The charge of “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion” was basically encouraging a source to leak information to him. That’s journalism. “Conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information” was again, journalism. He was encouraging whistleblowers to report on wrongdoing by the government.

    Even the plea deal is bullshit. He pled to violating the espionage act for… what? He didn’t break into anything himself. He wasn’t given a security clearance which he then violated. He wasn’t even American, in America, or working for the government. He was acting as a journalist receiving information from a whistleblower.

    So, IMO, there’s nothing much to celebrate here. A shitty person pled to a bullshit charge, setting a bad precedent for journalism, and is now free. Lose, lose.