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Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • I guess I had considered propaganda to emanate from dishonest sources and took my cooky professor quoting legit sources as not being part of that group, but even facts can be misrepresented. I don’t think the intention of my comments were to elevate coal or any other dirty energy source.

    The point of those studies wasn’t to disrupt development of renewables but to prompt engineers and planners to design systems which limit the harmful effects observed in the first generation of windmills. They are good things to review and know about.

    It’s hard to bring up complex topics on the internet because we can’t all be experts at everything and it’s easier to lump people into for/against camps. That’s not at all where I’m coming from, but that’s how I’ve been assigned by mentioning “the other side” of a complex topic.

  • Damn 19C! My apartment is 24 right now and it feels cozy. When I bake it gets to 27. Without heat in the winter it hovers around 16 inside.

    I’d consider going somewhere with more extreme day/night cycles like the Northwest territories, but within Canada I’m basically happy where I am. I like the super long days in the summer and I’m also ok living in the dark most of the winter as long as I can stay active.

  • I don’t think any of us should be making assumptions about how many birds/bats are being killed without looking up the numbers. At least back when I was in school and learning about windmills (a decade ago) there were concerns because wind farms were often located along migratory pathways for birds. And it’s not just ‘birds’ that die, it can be an important species within the trophic level that gets decimated, and then there are consequences of that felt within the food web. It’s not as bad as a city, but we’re talking about introducing something new into the environment, and people should talk about the potential issues. We should be able to have both sides arguments about this stuff, since we’re still likely to agree it’s the right choice to replace carbon plants.

    If you were an ecologist it wouldn’t be so easy to claim others are ignorant when they bring up concerns about renewable energy harming the natural spaces they are introduced into.