he legitimately tried though
They/hello!! Also @[email protected]
he legitimately tried though
shit buddy i guess I’ll ask the one guy who had a bad reaction about it
edit: he said it’s cool and the benefits greatly outweigh the risks
you’re making a classic mistake of thinking trump’s interests are aligned with America’s interests
the us is going to slop itself to death
yes officer, this guinea pig right here
are you now or have you recently been a party to a crime
that’s exactly what you should do, and if you’re not the target you should get a megaphone, learn a few phrases in spanish, and show up at the ICE raid to tell them that
make the penalty payable to the immigrants being exploited and they’ll get exposed fast
citizenship for all
there comes a point where gaining any more money has diminishing returns so you instead need to make everyone else poorer to increase your capital
south america has a tradition of government reform and transparency wherein criminals in government are arrested sometimes forcibly. no such tradition exists in the USA
fucking save us we’d do the same for you :c
new innovation in capitalism! 4-pack of eggs. costs what a dozen used to
Colorado banned non-cage-free eggs statewide a few years back
the quality of community can reasonably be expected to get worse as the government invents their own understanding of autism based on flimflam and bullshit, thereby worsening diagnostics, inviting fake cures, and creating new and stupider stigmas
autistic people have a community and share skills / strategies / ways to compensate / ways to communicate their needs without feeling or being treated like inferior beings
i think it’s more of a face/heel dynamic
my sincere congratulations, from an american