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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • You clearly never worked in a corporate environment.

    I think idea sharing is worthless, because I have never ever heard a new idea from someone else in the last two decades. Everyone thinks they are so creative, but they are all morons except perhaps a few hundred people globally. Torvalds would not be part of the few hundred people, I’d consider to be of interest. Torvalds is like the idiot that invented PHP, but just slightly more competent. Writing a kernel is so easy that his first version was literally based on a text book. FYI, by the time academics get to the point to write a text book on a topic, it’s ancient history. The guy that wrote the book even considered Linux a waste of time back then and Linux, besides being more popular now, still has nothing to offer from an academic perspective (other than as a tool for lack of having anything better).

    The only thing you are sharing, is that since you do not experience life like that, that we are not on the same level intellectually.

  • I understand everything and as such I consider almost everyone to be a waste of space, including you. You should imagine how the world looks like for someone that considers you have the intelligence of an ant in comparison.

    I am certainly more accomplished than Linus Torvalds according to various metrics. I consider the Linux kernel to be the work that can be expected from an amateur (which is exactly what he was when it was released). There is nothing of interest in the Linux kernel other than it being gratis and it being available.

    I do not give a fuck about Linus Torvalds or any of the “famous” people, because I discovered a long time ago I am vastly superior to all of those people. Humanity bores me, as do you. So, please, stop talking.

    If Linus Torvalds knew what he was doing, the Linux kernel would have been done by now. If he knew what he was doing regarding organizing the work of thousands of people, he wouldn’t have to merge patches himself anymore, but he would have automated that, but guess what? He never was able to solve that problem, so clearly he is an idiot.

    You might ask me how I would do it, but it would be pointless to explain.

    In your next response, please assume you are talking to someone close to an omniscient being, because it’s getting old real fast for people to assume I am not vastly superior regarding knowledge level, education, and skill level.

    Just to be perfectly clear: I consider everyone here to be really, really stupid, unless I say otherwise. I wish I could consider you to be worthy to talk to, but I don’t.

  • I think proof of concepts are a waste of time for everyone involved, unless the person actually completes the work. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of some guy whining to get help only to get the credits later for it being “his idea”.

    I think any person who thinks writing such code manually is a good idea for many different devices lacks intelligence. Apparently, Torvalds thinks he has done something useful, which only signals to me how far out of touch he is with modern engineering.

    It’s annoying that so many people are so stupid these days. An Internet on which not every moron could go, must have been paradise.