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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2021

  • its very easy to install via docker as mentioned above. Mumble is very lightweight. You could run the server on your desktop in the background easily or even on your router, there is a package for openwrt. The sound quality is awesome, voice is e2e encrypted and bandwidth should not be a problem either for a couple of people in the chat while you are playing.

  • Podcasts are a leftover from the non centralized and non-monetized internet of the past. Because is that most Podcasts are still available as rss feeds, so you should only ever get adds if they are spoken by the Podcasts hosts. Ate you taking about those? Only something like sponsorblock would help against those. I use antennapod (fdroid) on android to listen to Podcasts. Sine hosts always start their podcast with an add, but you can autoskip the first minute of a certain podcast with antennapod every time. It has a setting for that. Antenna pod itself is foss software without adds.

  • Dreams have symbolic meanings. They often represent things that happened in your waking life that have not been resolved. If the dream is recurring it could mean something important to you remains unresolved. If you can identify the reason for your dream and understand why are having it, it can stop recurring. For example I often dreamed about falling down a a stair at my grandparents house well into my teens. When I told my dad about it, he said I had actually fallen down a stair at home when I was two years old. The dreams stopped after that. Here the dream symbol is really close to the real thing, but it could be different in your case.

    “Dialing 911 in a dream is a “cry for help” and reflects feelings of concern about a period of emotional crisis. If you are dialing 911 in a dream or someone else is, identify the emergency or urgent situation you or that person wants help with in your/their waking life.  Getting a busy signal, no answer, the phone doesn’t work, or you can’t dial properly, reflect feelings of frustration, difficulty or failure to communicate your need for help with an “emergency” in your waking life.” (Cmp.: https://www.dreamdoctor.com/index.php?option=com_dreams&controller=dictionary&task=details&id=1&Itemid=24)

    So try to find out what your personal emergency could be, talk to someone about it and chances are the dreams are going to stop.

  • I always loved the Song of Ice and Fire books by George Martin, be aware that the series is not finished, though. I am a big fan of Stephen King as well, he writes great characters. It, Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Tower… Thuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is very emotional, I could not even finish it. Deadhouse Gates by Stephen Erikson. The Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb just to name a few…

  • I am into emotional storytelling as well, I think what gets you involved most are well drawn characters.

    I would recommend planescape torment for an epic adventure full of stories, characters and heartbreak.

    Really good stories/characters are few and far between in computer games but “The longest journey” comes to mind and even the first Witcher game.

    Unavowed comes to mind as well as a rather affecting story.

    And a couple of dozen books, but that’s not what you asked for…