Yep, the lawyers will sort it out.
Yep, the lawyers will sort it out.
Good point. I have an account there, but I don’t really like or use it, I think for exactly the reasons you mentioned.
Isn’t that what Mastodon is for?
Exactly this.
I’m 51 and I still play every day. PoE and Destiny 2 at the moment.
I changed over to using calendar.txt a few months ago, never looked back. So easy to sync.
St Anger. Whole fucking album sucks.
I always think they’re talking about internal combustion engines and then I am quite confused for awhile.
City Lights. (1931)
Found it on a harddrive at work. It was fun to watch, if you can find a copy somewhere I can recommend it.
Keys, right pocket. Wallet and phone, left pocket.
Yep, I loved that app, it was great fun. It also inspired me to take more photos, and I still have them as random memories. I wish somebody would make something like that again.
Could be, but evolution makes God redundant, and then it is the whole simplest explanation thing that kicks in, right?
No idea, but it is pretty old I think.