Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.

Mastodon: [email protected]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • The idea is that if you wanted to fight a big company with lawyers you’ll either lose because they will delay till you’re broke, or you’ll win but the lawyers will get most of the money. If you have a legit issue they would honor resolving the issue without anyone having to spend time, money, and publicity in court. It means you might actually win one of these times. The joke part is we already have an unbiased arbitration system…our courts.

    This is legal, currently, because this is basically a non-disclosure. We will deal with our problems outside the legal system and no one will talk about it. We do this in other cases but its usually human to human, not human to massive corporate entity.

  • Think less about time sharing and more about using all the computers you own together.

    You would have a netbook with no compute power as your UI sitting on your couch. You could connect to your beefy desktop to do all the computations for your video editor or playing a game and never have to be sitting at your desk.

    You could also have a big file store device with lots of drives to store stuff.

    We can do some of this now, I ssh into my desktop from my couch and have a NFS in the basement. But they all operate as separate devices that i have to really work at getting to operate together. Plan9 was designed where you’d just pick devices off of the network and the tasks operated normally. Pick your video card, local or over the network to the beefier GPU.

  • Yeah yeah the standard pedantic response to web services who use ads.

    But how about a real response? People want to block ads and still consume content. If you feel the cost is too high then shouldn’t people watch some ads and block others to only “pay what you want.” Everyone seems to want the service for free and then cry that when you don’t pay your get your videos.

    Explain how this is different than going to a grocery store and then being pissed they wont let you just walk away with food without paying?

  • Last time i moved i got cold called by Comcast to sign up for Internet. I asked them the price, they gave some deal. I asked what will be the price in 2 years when the contract was up. “Oh, well that really depends on what services you sign up for.” I tell them i want only Internet at this given speed and i will never sign up for anything else.

    …the woman on the phone just stopped talking. I asked can she not tell me the price after all the specials run out and i get my last bill in the contract. She said “i dont know what you want me to say.”

    Apparently they dont want people to know how screwed you are with Internet. I told the woman that i was going to write a letter letting them know that her inability to answer a simple question was the reason i was not going with their service. She hung up on me. Sent the letter and i got a call a few weeks later asking ifni wanted a super crazy deal they “never give to anyone.” I asked my question again and they couldn’t tell me my final bill so i hung up and reported the number as spam to my phone carrier.

  • You don’t have to actually do a real project. It’s more about doing a task that requires you to create outside the hand holding.

    After 15 years of OS and embedded systems development I learned web dev by creating a SaaS for my HOA’s property manager to communicate with tenants. Node, React, MongoDB, docker, iOS and Android apps. Did the project look good? Nope. Did I have to dig into manuals and debug for weeks, yep. But I easily stepped into a new role in an industry I had never worked in because I really learned the tech stack. Actually using the app wasn’t necessary, just that I actually had to create things requiring me to design around the technology I was learning.

    Pick a problem in your life and solve it. Doesn’t need to become something you sell or publish or even use after you’re done learning. But the point is to actually use your skills.

  • I’m saying that the work they would be doing in two days isn’t the same as solving an actual problem. The way to really learn a language/framework/library is to actually use it in a real project. You run into pitfalls, you get compile errors and have to figure out how to debug in said tech, you find out how extentions to the tech work so you can create your own. Making a Todo Front End isn’t going to cover the vast majority of the stuff I’d expect one to know or experience when you say you “know” a language/framework/library/etc.