The /s is implied.
sips coffee aggressively
balls: USA, Geolibertarianism, Virginia, Bisexuality, Atheistic Satanism

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s a good thing. Discord is chugging its way through the last half of the Web 2.0 service to social media pipeline. It’s a VC-funded multimedia enterprise extended around a novel technology core optimized for its original service offering, real-time voice/text. Nobody is immune to bloat, but because Matrix is a protocol standard, not an app, users have the option of sticking with minimal clients and servers that won’t (necessarily) get destroyed by feature creep.

    If you’ve tried Element and thought “ah, slow Discord,” maybe have a scroll through I don’t want to get off topic but all my favorite software is standard/specification-based.

  • It’s also not clear how the law will be enforced or to what extent.

    No shit. Isn’t that the point? Use outrage to justify the growth of an impenetrable body of law addressing all social and economic behavior, then selectively enforce subjective interpretations to satisfy powerful groups and remain in power. So it goes for any population center whose rapid growth creates the illusion of independence.

    Can we sell NYC to Canada yet? We’d make a bundle, they wouldn’t even be mad, and I’d sleep a lot better with the border of a superpower between me and a stack of nine million people who think privacy is a sin.

  • Only if being “entitled to the fruits of labor” does not preclude the state (or any state-like entity, don’t even start with me) from seizing and/or arbitrating the value of that fruit. If that’s the case, what is the value of the so-called entitlement?

    The reason private property is vital to a just society is that we do not know the ultimate purpose of society. We can not even estimate the size of the universe; claiming to understand the role of mankind without knowing its position in the cosmos is like claiming to understand a blood cell with no knowledge of the circulatory system. We all have exactly the same right and cause to determine the purposes of our own lives. Different life goals lead to different evaluations of goods and services. I do not eat flesh, listen to K-pop, or ski. To appropriate the value of my labor for the benefit of these systems for which I have no use is a violation of my natural right to determine the purpose of my own life. To phrase it collectively, it is a violation of our equal rights to determine the purposes of our own lives.