US is like russia, it thinks its hot shit but its worthless without being able to trade.
US is like russia, it thinks its hot shit but its worthless without being able to trade.
dont put it on a cybertruck, it will rust the truck and void the warranty.
How has anyone not done a video of meme music, musks nazi twitter takes followes by side by side of a neonazi salute and musks 3 salutes? Cap it off with “are we the bad guys”
Cmon you fuckers its like an hours work for free reddit karma
Its everyones job to educate but us politics is “if you aint us youre one of them”.
Libs need to pretend to love israel and putin, that way the repubs will have to own the libs.
Even european terrible politican is nowhere near american avarage.
Post twitter account evidence of them talking about nazi shit or agreeing to it and post 2 minute videos for context of each of them.
Then disprove musks grandparents werent literal full blown nazis who moved to south africa cause they loved the apatheid. Theres an entire video of musks parents talking about it.
And now go on neonazi sites and post proof of anyone saying what musk did wasn’t a nazi salute. Now show me the apology musk made clarifying that it wasn’t intended/he was on drugs/he didn’t mean it
Now go outside and post a video of you doing the same gesture multible times in a very public area or at work.
If you don’t do all of them, musk is a nazi and you are pretending nazi salute is not a nazi salute.
Idk how anyone can say he is not a real gamer after the nazi salutes seen side by side with his twitter history.
If the people saying “kill all ceos” understood the basics of how a world worked or were past their edgy teens, they would also be smart enough not to grab for violence against entire groups as a first resort. Yes suck, hitlermelon, mexican currency and everyone running the american health insurance companies are not good people, obviously. That means society and laws must change to treat them as equals and to tax ultra rich more while removing money as a tool of influence from politics. I can’t see anyone not getting behind that.
But idunno, I see people going “all ceos, landlords and rich are stinkin fukin evil, kill em all”. Idk seems kinda violent and totalitarian. Seems like theyd want me dead too since I dont like them killing people they define as needing to be killed. Idunno, makes me not want to respect any of them or their political beliefs or their side.
Y’all see how you are actively giving fuel for the right? And now looking at the centrist threads, driving away people who dont like extremes by labling them as the enemy?
I am simply focusing on the class aspect since the people I am writing this about are focusing on the class aspect. It is neccesary they understand what this means. Socialist society with free healthcare, more time off work, fairer wages and restrictions on big companies does not mean you need to abolish capitalism or that it will only benefit the poorest. It will benefit literally everyone and that is what the focus should be on rather than bloody uprising.
I just assume everyone is American here since the posting hours are very early for you and me.
Im just going by history. hitler, stalin, polpot everyone thought themselves to be the low class and went on to kill millions of the low class. “kill ceos” will end up with timmy who used to work the cashier walking along a mass grave and shooting blindfolded sara from call center, thomas who runs a joinery firm and their daughter abby in the back of the head so they fall into a grave they dug. Its how these things work and its what the people who call for violence want in to end up as.
I don’t get you americans. Trump didnt put the hand on a bible so in a society where boob in public space is a christinan moral apocalypse no memes have been produced and gone viral. Musk was on drugs and literally did nazi salutes and no memes showcasing president musk doing the greeting the reich way have been widely spread. No memes showing how facebook was literally censored. No memes showing the literal nazis who got a pardon yesterday.
There is prime material to weaponise internet culture in a way that takes a tiny bit of effort and no money, that will surely swing the cultural pendulum to the left. But no, you can find thousands of the posts saying “peaceful ways have been all tried and failed” followed by talks of mass violence and how centrists are actually evil.
Makes me wonder if they want to solve their problems at all or just want to fantasize about mass murder so they feel better.
Most capitalisms restrict companies and do socialist things and they are still capitalism. Including all of the happiest nations on the earth. Mind blowing, huh?
Gabe Newell. Costco guy. Im sure theres europeans as well.
Oh theres communist billionaires too, im sure stalin and lenin and chinese ones were wery respectful of the working class, never had a genocide where up to 20% of the population (that is one in every five. Every fifth post in this thread, gone) were killed for not being the right nationality. And they never exploited entire nations forcefully.
But its okay, fuck everyone in a certain group, dehumanize them and talk about violence against them because a few do bad things. Surely the solution is not to use it to fuel political anti campaign to swing the pendulum hard in the other way by limiting power rich can have in the us via providing the myriad of evidence we already have.
No instead sit on internet and make literal hitler speeches where you replace the word “jews” with “rich” and wonder why everyone thinks far left and right are the same Nazis
I mean dont you dare generalize a group of people unless they’re people the echo chamber agrees not to like.
You aren’t part of a capitalist one then.
Works for countries that let governments control the companies, not vice versa. There are more countries than 1.
Revolutionary. Stunning. Brave. What if hitler was on the spectrum too and too stupid to understand what he was doing? Groundbreaking!
Im sure elon being the smartest man on earth, realizes it was cause he is on the spectrum and has not stopped apologizing for accidentally doing the nazi salute. Before he did the nazi salute. Before he did the nazi salute.
As someone from ex communist nation where 20% were genocided I acknowledge that america is built upon genocide that inspired the 20th century and has definetly done some pretty bad things nobody should do. But I firmly believe, and will not budge from my belief, that making 20th century america out to be as bad as communist china, camboida, north korea, russia, germany and many others is anything but extremely out of touch extremist left brainrot built upon russian propaganda. Its like saying “That guy who stole from girl scouts is literally as bad as those mass murderers and rapists.”
And what of the countries that continued to make a bunch of genocide happen? That happened to be communist? And still are? And still are killing people? They are a bigger problem than what us was.
Nah, don’t go if you don’t want to. Family are just randomly assinged people you share the same genes with. If you don’t like them you don’t have to force yourself to like them in order to appease random strangers online.
If he truly is your family and loves you, like all the “YOU ARE DOING WHAT” posters are saying, he will understand and not hate you. If he does, fuck him.