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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I can think of four possible reasons:-

    • It works on my system - We are shaped by our experiences. To someone who had their life turned around by a religious order (or a religious individual), it would make sense to follow their teachings.

    • Opium of the masses - Life is filled with suffering. It is nice to imagine that there is someone looking out for you. An afterlife free of suffering is even better.

    • Just following orders - If you want to do something, but don’t think your community will support you, it is easier if you say ‘god told me to do it’. It might also make it easier to justify the action to yourself.

    • Church of England - You don’t care much either way, but it’s too much of a hassle to leave. Plus meeting your friends and neighbours every week is fun.

  • I still feel nervous about a regional nuclear war* between you and Pakistan or a land war with China, particularly as the region dries out.

    Neither will happen. Both our politicians and Pakistani generals love sabre-rattling. Both also love their wealth and status too much to do anything stupid. And while China can really hurt us in a potential war, they can do at least as much damage by stopping exports to us.

  • Wikipedia defines capitalism as an ‘economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit’. In contrast, communism involves ‘common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products … based on need’. The ‘means of production’ here refer to property that can be used to produce goods, and ultimately, wealth. Factories are the usual example.

    I must point out, however, that the meanings of these words change over time and place. Also note that it was the Marxists who popularised these two terms; to quote Wikipedia, ‘scholars who are uncritical of capitalism rarely actually use the term capitalism’.