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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Have the sanctions against Russia stopped the war? Or did they just harm Russian citizens for a while (while Putin is largely unaffected), while also causing huge economic issues for many countries which used to do business with Russia?

    Russia is a huge country with many natural resources and still has good relations with many other countries; sanctions against it could never work.

    I don’t support the war in Ukraine, btw.

  • I agree with you, but the issue is groups like Hamas don’t just poof out of existence either; and Hamas has shown they can’t be trusted to act in good faith (before Hamas’ surprise attack, there was actually a fairly long period where it seemed in Israel that Hamas’ is appeased by various benefits given to Hamas and Gazans, like giving some permission to work in Israel, and allowing money from Qatar to enter the strip. Israeli defense in turn moved troops away from Gaza and lowered the combat readiness of the surrounding areas, which led to the disaster on the 7th of October).

    And unfortunately, I don’t see Hamas allowing a more reasonable group to from in Gaza while they’re still in power.

    Hell, with time, effort, and prosecuting those who perpetuate the violence, the Palestinian people could be allies.

    I hope I’ll be alive to see this

  • From some of your comments in here I think you have trouble seeing the enormity of what is happening to your fellow human beings in Gaza right now.

    You’re likely right to some extent, but do consider that not all of what you hear happening in Gaza is actually true.

    In contrast to probably 99% of Lemmy, I actually served in the IDF, I even have friends who are currently in Gaza. I know a lot of reports by the “Gaza Health Ministry” (Hamas) are straight up bullshit, I know for a fact that UNRWA has been infiltrated by terrorists (even if people around the world find this hard to believe).

    I also highly suspect that either the IDF or the government has decided to be much less careful in this war (when it comes to making sure innocents are safe), which I think is terrible.

    But I also don’t see a way forward for the state of Israel without the destruction of Hamas, because otherwise we will just repeat this in a few years, and I don’t think Hamas will stop attacking us even if we are sanctioned by most of the world (I also fear that in such a scenario, a government might rise to power in Israel which is much more extreme than even now).

  • I was talking about protests against violent acts against Jews (since the first comment in this chain about protests was specifically asking where are the Israelis protesting the genocide).

    However, I’ve thought about it some more and it’s unreasonable of me to assume those protesters don’t care about Hamas’ terrorism, just like I think it’s unreasonable to assume Israelis protesting the government don’t care about what’s happening to Gazans.

  • Only 34% of Israelis voted for this government in the last election.

    70.63% of Israelis voted in the last election (and it’s worth noting that around 85% of ultra orthodox Jews in Israel voted).

    The vote was almost a tie between the current coalition parties and the current opposition parties (it didn’t end up being a tie due to dumb disagreements between two small left-wing parties, which led to one not passing the threshold at all this time around).

    Likud got 23.41% of the votes. Yesh Atid (Yair Lapid’s party) got 17.79%. 10.84% went to Religious Zionism (Ben Gvir and Smotrich’s party). 9.08% went to Ganz’s party. 8.25% went to the Sephardic ultra orthodox party, 5.88% went to the Ashkenazi one. 4.48% went to Yisrael Beiteinu (Liberman’s party). The United Arab List got 4.07%. Hadash (far left party) got 3.75% of the vote. Labor got 3.69%. Merez (a left wing party) and Balad (a secular Palestinian party) were only a few thousand votes from passing the threshold, getting 3.16% and 2.91% of the votes, respectively.

    Often when it seems one of Merez or Labor won’t pass, they join forces (also true for other small similar parties). This time around they didn’t, and Bibi used that chance to create a horrendous coalition which most Israelis aren’t happy with, which isn’t surprising when you consider that it got only 48.38% of the total vote. When you consider that only ~70% actually voted, you get that the actual percentage of Israelis which voted for this coalition is around 34%.

    Our political system is a mess, I know.

    Official source (in Hebrew though): https://votes25.bechirot.gov.il

    Edit: Btw, Gazans voted for Hamas, too.

  • No, they are protesting their government for not doing what a government should do - protect its citizens.

    Do not assume those protesters want Gazans to die, many in Israel believe (including me) that the current state of the war is hurting the chances of returning hostages alive. Prominent figures have called for ceasefires even when the deals presented by the Hamas were heavily skewed against Israeli interests.

    Unfortunately our politicians are a bunch of genocidal fascists, so these protests and calls don’t matter anyway.