29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Quite sad, but entirely unsurprising.

    I loved Gothic to death, and 2 is my all-time favorite game, but after having their wrists slit by the publisher with Gothic 3, and everything happening after the release of that, I am not upset it’s over.

    The quality of ELEX was miserably bad in every way imaginable, and it only got worse with ELEX2. Risen had great potential with the first game, but completely flopped it with the next two.

    For a lack of a better expression, they were a one-trick pony, and rode that wave of success into their eventual grave.

    I’m not sure how substantiated these claims are, but i’ve also heard that most of the original team have left years before the shutdown either way, so essentially, what was left of Piranha Byte is just a husk of what used to be

  • I chose those examples, because that’s what’s been heavily marketed recently, and it all either fundamentally failed, ended up being a scam, or both.

    In contrast:

    • devops is software automation practices…?
    • edge computing is on-call load balancing? It’s horrendously expensive though, so i’ll give them time to figure it out
    • IoT, admittedly, is largely oversold, but even then, there were a ton of products on the market that absolutely outlived all 3 of the examples i’ve given, combined. HomeAssistant+Zigbee home automation is awesome. A raspberryPi is “iot”. Your smartwatch is “iot”.

    There’s a difference between cherry-picking, and refusing to accept that something is a scam. Crypto ended up begging for government regulation, when the original intention was to move away from it. NFTs are a pump-and-dump ponzi scheme. web3 literally doesn’t mean anything